Sam is a creative technician working in the areas of web, design, coding, strategy and games. His specialism is to be a jack-of-all-trades when it comes to working with digital media - specifically the web.
He is the recipient of many awards (often for effectiveness rather than straight design) and many great sites and digital 'things'. Sam has worked on numerous big brands during his 15+ years of digital agency work (1997-98: Designer, IMI-Net; 1998: freelance designer, DeepEnd Design; 1998-2004: Lead Designer, Lateral Net; 2004-05: Head of Creative, PartyGaming; 2005-2006: Designer, Inbox Digital ). For almost seven years, he worked on the Levi's account in both Europe and the US.
Sam now teaches part-time at Worcester alongside maintaining a professional web agency, Agency work is split between strategic marketing websites and campaigns alongside really big, complicated, web based applications. Based in Cheltenham, Practically's client base and work are all driven by word of mouth with long term partnerships. The design staff are all graphic design students from Worcester.