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First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Mobile Number
Area of Interest
Art and Design
Biological and Forensic Science
Business, Accounting and Marketing
Children and Families
Diagnostic Radiography
Drama and Performance
Education and Inclusion
English, Media and Creative Writing
Film and Screenwriting
Geography and the Environment
Health and Wellbeing
History and Sociology
Law and Policing
Medicine (Graduate Entry)
Nutrition and Dietetics
Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy
Paramedic Science
Social Work
Sports Therapy
Teacher Training
Business, Accounting and Marketing Courses
- Please select option -
Accounting and Finance BA (Hons)
Business and Finance BA (Hons)
Business and Human Resource Management BA (Hons)
Business and Marketing BA (Hons)
Business Management BA (Hons)
Business Management BA (Hons) Top-Up
Business Studies BA (Hons)
Digital Business BA (Hons)
Digital Marketing BA (Hons)
International Business Management BA (Hons)
International Finance BA (Hons) Top Up Degree
Marketing, Advertising and Public Relations BA (Hons)
Not yet decided
Art and Design Courses
- Please select option -
Animation (Joint Honours)
Fine Art (Joint Honours)
Fine Art BA (Hons)
Fine Art with Psychology BA (Hons)
Game Art BA (Hons)
Graphic Design (Joint Honours)
Graphic Design BA (Hons)
Graphic Design, Advertising and Marketing BA (Hons)
Illustration (Joint Honours)
Illustration BA (Hons)
Not yet decided
Biological and Forensic Sciences Courses
- Please select option -
Biological Sciences with Foundation Year
Biological Sciences (Biochemistry) BSc (Hons)
Biological Sciences (Biology) BSc (Hons)
Biological Sciences (Zoology) BSc (Hons)
Biomedical Science BSc (Hons)
Forensic and Applied Biology BSc (Hons)
Medical Sciences BSc (Hons)
Not yet decided
Children and Families Courses
- Please select option -
Early Childhood BA (Hons)
Early Years (0-8) Foundation Degree
Integrated Working with Children and Families BA (Hons) Top Up Degree
Not yet decided
Computing Courses
- Please select option -
Artificial Intelligence BSc (Hons)
Computing Foundation Year
Computing BSc (Hons)
Cyber Security BSc (Hons)
Not yet decided
Criminology Courses
- Please select option -
Criminology (Joint Honours)
Criminology BA (Hons)
Criminology with Forensic Psychology BA (Hons)
Criminology with Policing BA (Hons)
Criminology with Politics BA (Hons)
Not yet decided
Drama and Performance Courses
- Please select option -
Dance and Performance BA (Hons)
Theatre, Acting & Performance BA (Joint Honours)
Theatre, Acting and Performance BA (Hons)
Touring Theatre MTheatre
Not yet decided
Education and Inclusion Courses
- Please select option -
Education Studies (Joint Honours)
Education Studies BA (Hons)
Special Educational Needs, Disabilities and Inclusion BA (Hons)
Not yet decided
English, Media and Creative Writing Courses
- Please select option -
Creative Writing (Joint Honours)
Creative Writing BA (Hons)
English Language (Joint Honours)
English Literature (Joint Honours)
English Literature BA (Hons)
Media and Film Studies BA (Hons)
Not yet decided
Geography and Environment Courses
- Please select option -
Environmental Management and Sustainability BSc (Hons)
Geography BSc (Hons)
Geography with International Year Abroad BSc (Hons)
Not yet decided
Health and Wellbeing Courses
- Please select option -
Applied Health and Social Care BA (Hons) Top Up Degree
Assistant Practitioner FdSc
Child and Adolescent Mental Health FdSc
Child and Adolescent Mental Health BSc (Hons) Top Up Degree
Health and Social Care FdSc
Not yet decided
History and Sociology Courses
- Please select option -
History (Joint Honours)
History BA (Hons)
History with Politics BA (Hons)
Sociology (Joint Honours)
Sociology BA (Hons)
Sociology with Politics BA (Hons)
Not yet decided
Journalism Courses
- Please select option -
Journalism (Joint Honours)
Journalism BA (Hons)
Not yet decided
Law and Policing Courses
- Please select option -
Criminology with Policing BA (Hons)
Degree in Professional Policing
Law LLB (Hons)
Law with Criminology LLB (Hons)
Law with Forensic Psychology LLB (Hons)
Law with Politics LLB (Hons)
Not yet decided
Film and Screenwriting Courses
- Please select option -
Filmmaking (Joint Honours)
Filmmaking BA (Hons)
Screenwriting (Joint Honours)
Not yet decided
Nursing Courses
- Please select option -
Nursing Associate FdSc
Nursing (Adult) BSc Hons
Nursing (Child) BSc Hons
Nursing (Mental Health) BSc Hons
Not yet decided
Nutrition and Dietetics Courses
- Please select option -
Nutrition and Dietetics BSc (Hons) with Foundation Year
Nutrition and Dietetics BSc (Hons)
Not yet decided
Physiotherapy and OT Courses
- Please select option -
Occupational Therapy BSc (Hons) with Foundation Year
Occupational Therapy BSc (Hons)
Physiotherapy BSc (Hons) with Foundation Year
Physiotherapy BSc (Hons)
Not yet decided
Politics Courses
- Please select option -
Criminology with Politics BA (Hons)
History with Politics BA (Hons)
Law with Politics LLB (Hons)
Psychology with Politics BSc (Hons)
Sociology with Politics BA (Hons)
Not yet decided
Psychology Courses
- Please select option -
Business Psychology BSc (Hons)
Clinical Psychology BSc (Hons)
Counselling Psychology BSc (Hons)
Forensic Psychology BSc (Hons)
Psychology (Joint Honours)
Psychology BSc (Hons)
Psychology with Politics BSc (Hons)
Sport & Exercise Psychology BSc (Hons)
Not yet decided
Sports Courses
- Please select option -
Cricket Coaching & Management (Integrated Masters)
Physical Education & Sports Coaching BSc (Hons)
Physical Education BSc (Hons)
Sport Business Management BA (Hons)
Sport & Exercise Psychology BSc (Hons)
Sport & Exercise Science BSc (Hons)
Sports Coaching & Physical Education FdSc
Sports Coaching BSc (Hons)
Not yet decided
Teacher Training Courses
- Please select option -
Primary Education with QTS BA (Hons)
PGCE - Primary (QTS)
PGCE - Secondary (QTS)
PGCE - Further Education
Not yet decided
Are you a UK (home fees) or an International student?
- Please select option -
UK or Ireland
EU (except Ireland)
International (non-EU)
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Request a call back date
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Are you interested in living in Halls? *
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