Assessments provide opportunities for you to learn about yourself as a learner, reflecting on your learning experiences and providing an opportunity to demonstrate your academic, practical, technical, and professional progress and achievement in theory and practice. Student achievement is assessed using a diverse range of authentic assessment tasks, appropriate to the programme aims.
Each module is summatively (formally) assessed separately, however a consistent and progressive approach to assessment design and an overall programme approach will ensure that you are adequately prepared for your role as Assistant Practitioners.
Assessment methods include:
Level 4
- Individual presentation
- Written report
- Unseen exam
- Group presentation plus written commentary
- Intervention with supporting paper
- Report on a case-based discussion
- Professional assessment portfolio
Level 5
- Research proposal
- Case study/Presentation
- Report
- Individual observation with questions and answers or OSCE
- Individual Project
- Professional assessment portfolio
has one or more formal or ‘summative’ assessments which are graded and count towards the overall module grade. Assessment methods include written essays and reports, group and individual presentations, open book examinations, assessed skills simulations, placement portfolio, assessment of direct practice and a dissertation or work-based project.