Research by the University of Worcester has led to the creation of three brand new films, aimed at tackling poor mental health in the Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller communities.
The films, released by the NHS Race and Health Observatory, contain candid testimonies from some of the 600,000 members of the community and highlight significant health inequalities.
The suicide rates within these communities are estimated to be up to seven times higher than all other communities.
In 2022, the University collaborated with the Observatory to explore how mental health services are engaging with Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller communities. Subsequently, the report ‘Inequalities in Mental Health Care for Gypsy, Roma and Traveller Communities: Identifying Best Practice’ was published in 2023.
Dr Peter Unwin, Principal Lecturer in Social Work at the University of Worcester, led on the research.
He said: “It’s very encouraging that this report has led to the videos and hasn’t just sat on the shelf. I hope key policy makers take note of them, because they’re hard hitting.”
He continued: “It’s difficult to watch these films and not be moved.”
Chris Smith is from the Romany Gypsy community and works with the University of Worcester. He said: “I applaud these films. It needs to be said, and we need more people in our community to step up and talk about this.”
He added: “The crisis in mental health in our community is huge, and a lot of it stems from prejudice and racism; we must recognise that this prejudice and racism stops people seeking support when they need it.”
Dr Unwin features in the films himself, which were produced by Romani Journalist and Film Producer Jake Bowers.
Jake travelled from Kent to Cumbria during the summer of 2024, exploring the cost of poor mental health within his community.
Dr Unwin said: “The issues can be cultural, it can be a lack of practical access to help, and it can be a lack of understanding from the services helping people with their mental health as to the cultural norms and ways of life of people in those communities.”
He added: “Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller communities have largely been ignored in the pushes for diversity and equality training in recent years, and this needs to change.”
All three films can be found on the NHS RHO YouTube channel.
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