Flexible and part time study
There are many reasons to consider flexible or part-time study, such as work commitments or family responsibilities.
For many it's the ideal way to return to education later in life, but there are part-time students of every age.
There are thousands of students studying part-time at Worcester, from short bites of learning right through to degree and postgraduate qualifications. Our courses are designed to be flexible. If you want to vary the amount of time you spend studying from year to year, or even take a break for a while, you can.
Most part-time students people studying for an undergraduate degree normally take between 4 and 7 years to complete the course.
Although some professional courses, including Nursing and Midwifery, require full-time study, the majority of our programmes can be studied part-time.
It has been a breath of fresh air to be doing something challenging. I'm studying part-time and have now done four years out of five and I love it.
Chris, part-time student
Balance work and study
If you want, or need, to work while studying, then part-time study is the ideal way to balance your time. Work that ties in with your qualification can also give you relevant work experience that can help put you ahead when it comes to getting further up the career ladder.
Support for part time students
As a part time student, you will enjoy all the advantages and support of being a full-time student, such as access to academic and sporting facilities, student services and the Careers Advisory Service. Tuition fee loans are also available to many part-time students. Visit the Student Finance website to find out more.
Making an application
Applications for part time study are made directly to the University of Worcester. Read more in our How to Apply section or download an application form.
Get in touch
If you would like more information about studying with us part-time, get in touch on 01905 855111 or email admissions@worc.ac.uk.