Carbon Reduction Targets

The University declared a Climate Emergency in July 2019.  In September 2020 the University Executive approved a new Sustainability Strategy 2020 - 2030 which reviewed the carbon journey since 2008/9 baseline – pages 14 &15- and projected based on a 1.5-degree warming scenario the university aims to reduce its direct and indirect GHGe emissions to be net zero by 2030 from a new baseline year 2018/19, pages 16-19.                   

Carbon Reduction SMART Targets

The University intends to achieve:

  • 5% p.a. reduction in carbon emissions in Scopes 1, 2 & 3, against a 2018-19 baseline, from 2020 to 2030;

These targets will secure a 50% reduction in emissions from the 2018-19 baseline in a 1.5 degree warming scenario. To achieve net zero emissions by 2030, the remaining emissions will need to be balanced with carbon removals, such as tree planting in managed woodlands, managing university land for maximum soil health and carbon sequestration.  We will contribute to a sector owned carbon offset scheme.

Annual quantitative and qualitative targets are set and the sustainability budget identifies specific projects to be achieved throughout the year. Please see our Sustainability Targets 2024-2025.

Watch a short film about our carbon journey so far.

Current projects include the expansion of the University’s BMS to a further 3 buildings and lighting upgrades in our Riverside Building, totalling £57,000 and optimising our St John’s Campus heat network, which supplies heat to 6 buildings with a combined area of over 19,000m2 and contributing to a citywide heat network detailed project development plan. The university measures the carbon for Scopes 1 and 2 attributes these across all our estate. 27.6% of our carbon is attributed to our residential accommodation, and 72.4% to our academic estate.


Progress against 2023-2024 targets and historical data:

Targets for all areas

Direct Emissions (Scopes 1 and 2)

Direct emissions include Scope 1 (gas, fuel in fleet vehicles, refrigerant leaks, and other on-site fuels) and Scope 2 (purchased electricity). The University prioritizes emissions from gas and electricity for monitoring and reporting.

Absoloute Carbon Emissions

  • 2018/19: 3,230 tCO2e
  • 2022/23: 2,409 tCO2e
  • 2023/24: 2,241 tCO2e (31% reduction from baseline)

Gas and Electricity Emissions

  • 2023/24: Gas (53%), Electricity (41%)
  • Reduction targets: 8.4% annually
  • Achievements: 265 tCO2e reduction in gas emissions between 2022/23 and 2023/24

Indirect Emissions (Scope 3)

Scope 3 emissions include purchased goods and services, student travel, and employee commuting. The University aims for a 5% annual reduction from the 2018/19 baseline.

Scope 3 Emissions

  • 2018/19: 18,701 tCO2e

  • 2022/23: 29,673 tCO2e
  • 2023/24: 28,479 tCO2e (52% increase from baseline)

Key Achievements and Challanges

  • Gas Emissions: Significant reduction due to improved heating controls and decommissioning of buildings.
  • Electricity Emissions: Steady since 2020/21, with challenges in meeting reduction targets.
  • Procurement Emissions: 38% reduction in 2023/24, though not necessarily a sustained trend.
  • Travel Emissions: Increased due to higher student numbers, especially international students.

Full details are in the above links.