Worcester Aiming for the Treble in the Battle of the M5!

UW Jack Lambert Varsity Trophy
Jack Lambert with the coveted Varsity trophy

Teams from the University of Worcester will face teams from the University of Gloucestershire in 17 separate events, from men’s and women’s football and rugby, to basketball, badminton, netball, volleyball and more.

Each win is worth a point, and at the end of the competition the university with the most points wins the tournament and the trophy.

Jack Lambert, Vice President, Student Activities at Worcester Students’ Union is one of the organisers.

He said: “It’s so competitive, because it’s Worcester vs Gloucestershire, and because so many students from both sides come out to watch and cheer their teams on there’s added pressure from that as well!”

He continued: “There’ll be people holding up signs, cheering, and chanting for the whole duration of every match, but that pressure makes it even more brilliant, especially if you’re able to celebrate at the end of it.”

He added: “The competition creates a good atmosphere, and it’s a really nice occasion for students who might not be into the particular sport they’re watching, but they’re passionate about their university so they get to be involved too.”

Varsity rivalries between universities in the UK are a significant part of university sporting culture, designed to foster a spirit of friendly competition and pride.

The Worcester Vs Gloucestershire trophy, currently sitting proudly at the Students’ Union building at the University of Worcester, has made several trips up and down the M5 since its introduction in 2010.

Gloucestershire held it until 2015 when it came to Worcester, before being traded back and forth as both universities fought for Varsity dominance.

There has only ever been one draw, in 2019, and no games were held in 2020 because of the pandemic.

Jack said: “We won the last two years, and last year we won by a good margin so we’re hoping for another win.”

He continued: “The games are held at venues across both cities in the first two weeks of April, with the final day being in Worcester, so hopefully we’ll have another trophy presentation at home.”

For information on courses at the University of Worcester visit www.worcester.ac.uk or for application enquiries, telephone 01905 855111 or email admissions@worc.ac.uk