Dr Blaire Morgan


Senior Lecturer in Psychology

School of Psychology

Department of Performance, Health and Wellbeing

Contact Details

email: b.morgan@worc.ac.uk
tel: 01905 542948

Blaire is a Senior Lecturer in Psychology and teaches across a number of the undergraduate modules. Prior to joining the University of Worcester, Blaire worked as a Research Fellow in the School of Education at the University of Birmingham.


  • PhD Psychology, University of Birmingham (2013)
  • BSc (Hons) Psychology, University of Birmingham (2009)

Teaching & Research


  • Introduction to Psychology
  • Social and Developmental Psychology
  • Biological and Cognitive Psychology
  • Educational Psychology
  • Research Projects
  • Positive Psychology
  • Cyberpsychology


Blaire has conducted research in a number of areas including psycholinguistics, education, positive psychology and social psychology.

Her research has appeared in print and broadcast media and has led to a number of invited presentations internationally, as well as invited book chapters alongside experts in the fields of psychology, moral education and virtue ethics. Blaire has also carried out consultancy work for educational bodies both nationally, at the University of Birmingham, and internationally, at the National Liberty Museum in Philadelphia.

Blaire is currently carrying out research that explores the influence of social media on adolescents (in particular, its impact on moral development, character and wellbeing). Her work also examines particular character strengths or moral values, including gratitude, empathy and authenticity.

PhD Project Ideas

Professional Bodies

  • Member of the International Positive Psychology Association
  • Member of Society for Educational Studies


Gulliford, L. & Morgan, B. (2018). The ‘positive’ valence of gratitude. In Brown, N. J. L., Lomas, T. & Eiroá-Orosa, F. J., (Eds.). The Routledge International Handbook of Critical Positive Psychology. London, UK: Routledge

Morgan, B., Gulliford, L., & Kristjansson, K. (2017). A new approach to examining moral virtues: The Multi-Component Gratitude Measure. Personality and Individual Differences, 107, 179 – 189

Morgan, B. & Gulliford, L. (2017). Assessing influences on gratitude experience: age-related differences in how gratitude is understood and experienced. In Tudge, J. & Freitas, L. (Eds.,) Developing Gratitude in Children and Adolescents. Cambridge University Press

Morgan, B. (2017). Exploring the Impact of Social Media and Parents on Young People’s Character and Virtues. In White, M.A., Slemp, G., & Murray, S. (Eds.) Future Directions in Well-being: Education, Organizations, and Policy

Gulliford, L. & Morgan, B. (2016). An Empirical Examination of the Normative Dimensions of Gratitude. In Carr, D. (Ed.). Perspectives on Gratitude: An Interdisciplinary Approach. London, UK: Routledge

Morgan, B., Gulliford, L., & Carr, D. (2015) Educating gratitude: Some moral and conceptual misgivings. Journal of Moral Education, 44(1), 97-111

Carr, D., Morgan, B., & Gulliford, L. (2015). Learning and teaching virtuous gratitude. Oxford Review of Education, 41(6), 766-781

Morgan, B., Gulliford, L., & Kristjansson, K. (2014) Gratitude in the U.K: A new prototype analysis and a cross-cultural comparison. The Journal of Positive Psychology, 9(4), 281-294

Gulliford, L., Morgan, B., & Kristjansson, K. (2013). Recent work on the concept of gratitude in philosophy and psychology. Journal of Value Inquiry 47(3), 285-317

Lesage, E., Morgan, B. E., Olson, A. C., Meyer, A. S., & Miall, R. C. (2012). Cerebellar rTMS disrupts predictive language processing. Current Biology, 22(18), R794-R795

Morgan, B. & Gulliford, L. Cultivating Gratitude: Measuring Gratitude and the Implications for Fostering Gratitude in University Students. In Brant, J. & Lamb, M. (Eds). Cultivating Virtue in the University: Perspectives from History, Literature, Philosophy, Theology, and the Social Sciences.(under submission, Oxford University Press)

Gulliford, L., Morgan, B. & Jordan, K. A prototype analysis of virtue. (under submission, Journal of Positive Psychology). A prototype analysis of virtue

Research reports

Morgan, B., Fowers, B., & Kristjansson, K. (2017).Empathy and Authenticity Online: The roles of moral identity and moral disengagement in encouraging or discouraging empathy and authenticity online. Research Report, University of Birmingham. Available online: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/jopy.12661

Morgan, B. & Kristjansson, K. (2017). Parents and Social Media: Adolescents’ perceptions of parental responses to morally salient social media scenarios. Research Report, University of Birmingham. Available online: https://www.jubileecentre.ac.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/parents-and-social-media.pdf

Sweeney, P., Prince, L., Nailer, E., Morgan, B., Gulliford, L., Orangers, K. & Tinari, C. (2016). Torchbearers of Liberty: An Evaluation of Interventions Aimed at Teaching Liberty and its Pillar Virtues. Research Report, National Liberty Museum, Philadelphia. (Available Online: https://www.jubileecentre.ac.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/Torchbearers_of_Liberty_Research_Report.pdf)

Arthur, J., Kristjansson, K., Gulliford, L. & Morgan, B. (2015) An Attitude for Gratitude, Research Report, University of Birmingham (Available online http://epapers.bham.ac.uk/1971/)

External Responsibilities

External examiner for University of Birmingham

Current collaborative projects with:

  • Professor Blaine Fowers (University of Miami)
  • Dr Liz Gulliford (University of Northampton)
  • Dr Anna Lavin and Dr Rachel Winter (University of Birmingham)
  • Guest editor for Journal of Ethics and Moral Philosophy

Peer reviewer for:

  • Journal of Moral Education
  • Journal of Positive Psychology
  • Theory and Research in Education
  • Educational Psychology Review
  • Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology

Honorary Research Fellow, University of Birmingham 2017-2018