Dr Helen Scott


Head of the School of Health and Wellbeing

School of Health and Wellbeing

Head of School

Contact Details

email: h.scott@worc.ac.uk
tel: 01905 542280

  • BA (Hons) Natural Sciences: Psychology
  • MSc Organisational Psychology
  • PhD Psychology
  • BPS Occupational Testing Ability and Personality (formerly Level A and Level B)
  • Introductory Certificate in Academic Practice

Teaching & Research

Business Psychology
Coaching Psychology
Occupational Testing: Ability and Personality
Individual Differences
Personnel Selection
Personal Development
Human Factors

My research interests lie in the areas of empathy and emotional intelligence in healthcare roles. In particular I am interested in how these concepts are demonstrated and assessed, using social psychological theories and individual differences as frameworks for investigation. In addition, I have recently begun to focus on the topic of employee engagement in order to build an evidence base for a popular topic in organisations.

PhD Project Idea

Professional Bodies

  • Member of the British Psychological Society (BPS)
  • Member of the Division of Occupational Psychology


N.B Helen Scott (Née Wilkin)

Bozeat, S., Lambon Ralph, M.A., Graham, K.S., Patterson, K., Wilkin, H., Rowland, J., Rogers, T.T., & Hodges J. R. (2003). A duck with four legs: Investigating the structure of conceptual knowledge using picture drawing in semantic dementia. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 20(1), 27 47.

Kerrin,M., Patterson, F., Janakiram, S. & Scott, H. (2009). Developing theoretical models for evaluating e-learning interventions; technology acceptance reactions & knowledge gain. Paper presented at the BPS Occupational Psychology Conference, Blackpool, 2009.

Silvester, J., Kerrin, M., Wilkin, H., & Loivette, S. (2006). Top Teams in Local Government. Report for the Improvement and Development Agency, Work Psychology Partnership.

Scott, H. (2012). Cultural Diversity and Empathy. Paper presented at Nursing 2012: Care and Compassion Fourth Annual Mental Health and Learning Disabilities Conference, Leeds, 2012.

Stewart, L.J., Palmer, S., Wilkin, H., & Kerrin, M. (2008). Towards a model of coaching transfer: operationalising coaching success and the facilitators and barriers to transfer. International Coaching Psychology Review, 3(2), 87 109.

Stewart, L.J., Palmer, S., Wilkin, H., & Kerrin, M. (2008). The influence of character: Does personality impact coaching success? International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring, 6(1), 32-42.

Wilkin, H. & Silvester, J. (2007). Promoting Empathy in Nursing: Nurse and Patient Perspectives. Paper presented at the BPS Occupational Psychology Conference, Bristol, 2007.

Wilkin, H., Silvester, J. & Patterson, F. (2006). The challenge for international recruitment: Cross cultural demonstration of empathy and emotional intelligence in healthcare professionals. Paper presented at the BPS Occupational Psychology Conference, Glasgow, 2006.

Wilkin, H. & Silvester, J. (2004). Developing Successful Client Relationships: Predictors of Empathy. Paper presented at the BPS Occupational Psychology Conference, Stratford, 2004.

External Responsibilities

  • Member of the Division of Occupational Psychology Conference Committee 2006 2009
  • Member of the Division of Occupational Psychology Committee 2008 2009
  • Member of Division of Occupational Psychology Postgraduate Conference Committee 2004 2006
  • Peer reviewer for Division of Occupational Psychology Postgraduate Conference 2004 2007
  • Peer reviewer for Division of Occupational Psychology Conference 2004 2009