Dr Julie Barrett

Julie Barrett

Housing and Dementia Research Consortium Research Coordinator based at the Association for Dementia Studies

School of Health and Wellbeing

Association for Dementia Studies

Contact Details

email: j.barrett@worc.ac.uk
tel: 01905 542531


Julie Barrett works as the Research Coordinator for the Housing and Dementia Research Consortium (HDRC). She has an MSc in ergonomics and has worked in the field of ergonomics, human factors and usability as a researcher, lecturer and consultant. She specialised in the needs of older and disabled users, accessibility and inclusive design and has worked as a researcher and consultant on a number of projects within these fields. From her doctoral research, she has expertise in participatory design with older people.

Julie has worked as a research coordinator, previously in the academic arena and, since 2012, for the Housing and Dementia Research Consortium (a UK wide network of around 100 housing and care providers and commissioners and other interested parties including academics, architects, advisors, researchers, policymakers and third sector organisations committed to research and knowledge exchange across the sector). The HDRC has been hosted by the ADS since September 2014.

As HDRC Research Coordinator, Julie’s role is to develop the HDRC by driving the research agenda and project-managing the work of the consortium.


  • PhD in Participatory design of senior friendly websites to meet older peoples information needs, University of Reading.
  • MSc Ergonomics, University of Birmingham
  • BSc (hons) Psychology, University of Plymouth.

PhD Supervision

Director of Studies for Rosemary Davies: What can counsellors learn from clients who have received a diagnosis of dementia?

Director of Studies for John Bosco: Exploring stigma and prejudice towards people living with dementia in Extra Care Housing

Director of Studies for Diane Bushell: Empathic communication in dementia care

Director of Studies for MJ Albutt: PTSD and the implications for residential dementia care

Director of Studies for Clare Crew: Development and evaluation of a ‘best housing’ assessment tool for people living with dementia in extra care housing

Research interests

  • What works for people living with dementia in accommodation and care settings.
  • Green (nature-based) dementia area.
  • The impact of interaction with animals on people living with dementia.

Research, Project Management and Knowledge Transfer


As Research Coordinator for the HDRC, Julie's research duties include:

  • Ensuring the HDRC's research priorities address issues that are priorities for the Membership and the service users (people living with dementia and their carers);
  • Identifying funding sources for research work that meets the HDRC's research priorities;
  • Developing research proposals;
  • Building research teams;
  • Contributing to research projects and disseminating

Grants and completed Projects:

  • Dementia and sight loss: developing social care practice in different housing settings, in collaboration with the Centre for Housing Policy at the University of York, Bournemouth University Dementia Institute, the Cambridge Centre for Housing and Planning Research at Cambridge University and the Thomas Pocklington Trust. Funded by the National Institute for Health Research School for Social Care Research, 2012-14. Julie was the project coordinator.
  • Green dementia care in accommodation and care settings – opportunities, barriers and good practice: a 12-month study funded by the Abbeyfield Society in 2016-17 to identify the opportunities for people living with dementia in residential care and extra care housing in the UK to engage with the natural environment, to explore what works and why, and to identify the main barriers and enablers to engagement. Julie was the project lead, managed the project and was responsible for writing up and disseminating the findings.
  • All those who wander are not lost: Walking with purpose in Extra Care, Retirement and Domestic Housing: This mixed-methods study, conducted in 2018-2019 and funded by Housing 21, explored walking with purpose in extra care, retirement and domestic housing settings, along with the perceptions and responses of staff and family carers, in order to better understand and support residents living with dementia in such settings and to develop good practice guidelines. Julie was the project lead and researcher and was responsible for data collection, writing up and dissemination.

In-house research:

Occasionally, Julie conducts small in-house research projects for the HDRC to provide an evidence base for use in developing research proposals, a valuable baseline and an essential platform from which to undertake targeted research to help shape future policy and provision.

  • Provisions for people living with dementia in Housing with Care (2012) – case studies to assess the provision for people living with dementia in Housing with Care schemes.
  • Setting the HDRC's research priorities (2015) – exploring the views of people living with dementia in a range of accommodation with care settings and their carers.
  • Provisions for people living with dementia in Housing with Care (2018) – an online survey that extends the earlier small-scale study to gain a more comprehensive picture of the scope and quality of provision for people living with dementia within Housing with Care.
  • Pain management for people living with dementia in Extra Care Housing and care homes (2021/2022) – an online survey to determine whether residents living with dementia in ECH who require support with pain management are receiving suboptimal pain management and how this compares to care homes.

Project management

Project management tasks for the HDRC include:

  • undertaking a PR function for the HDRC and developing communication channels;
  • publicity;
  • expanding the HDRC network;
  • making links with potential research collaborator and funders;
  • arranging steering group meetings;
  • keeping the steering group informed of HDRC activities and progress;
  • managing and updating the HDRC website;
  • updating the HDRC Terms of Reference and Strategic Overview.

Knowledge Transfer

As the HDRC Research Coordinator, Julie is committed to knowledge transfer within the sector. Her duties include:

  • representing the HDRC at relevant functions and events and on working groups such as the Dementia and Housing working group;
  • keeping the HDRC membership updated by emailing useful information and news;
  • organising HDRC learning and knowledge exchange events.

HDRC learning and knowledge exchange events:


  • 1st May 2014: The HDRC, what next? Shaping research and informing decisions.
  • 16th June 2015: Advantages and disadvantages of different models of Housing with Care for people living with dementia.
  • 10th Nov 2016: Creating dementia-friendly environments in housing and care settings challenges and opportunities.
  • 26th Apr 2018: Natural Connections: innovative approaches to green care for people living with dementia.
  • 23rd May 2019: Assistive technology for people living with dementia: the aspirational and the achievable.


  • 27th Apr 2020: Responding to walking with purpose and distress in extra care housing.
  • 8th June 2020: Exploring issues relating to housing and care provision for LGBTQ older people and people living with dementia.
  • 26th Jan 2021: Best practice in running intergenerational programmes.
  • 21st Sept 2021: What does “build back better” mean for people living with dementia in extra care and retirement housing?

For more information on the HDRC, please visit their website.


  • Barrett, J. and Kirk, S., 2000, Running Focus Groups with Elderly and Disabled Elderly Participants. Applied Ergonomics, 31 (6) 621-629.
  • Barrett, J., 2000, The Information Needs of Elderly, Disabled Elderly People, and their Carers. A Research Study. Disability Information Trust, Oxford.
  • Barrett, J., Crawford, J. O. and Nayak, U. S. L., 2001, Website features that impact on older Internet users a focus group study. Proceedings of the Seventh Annual Research Symposium of Postgraduate Research. School of Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering, University of Birmingham, May 2001.
  • Barrett, J., 2001, Older and Independent. Disability Information Trust, Oxford.
  • McCrindle, R., Arnold, F., Cook, G, Barrett, J and Booy, D., 2002, Inclusive Design of an Interface for a Hospital System for Information, Communication and Entertainment. Proceedings 4th International Conference on Disability, Virtual Reality and Associated Technologies, Veszprem, Hungary, September 2002, 139-148.
  • Barrett, J. and Herriotts, P., 2003, Running focus groups with older participants. In Langford, J. and McDonagh, D. (Eds) Focus Groups: Supporting Effective Product Development. Taylor and Francis, London.
  • Barrett, J., McCrindle, R. J., Booy, D., Cook, G. K. and Arnold, F., 2003. Considering Patients Needs: Inclusive Interface Design for a Hospital System. Proceedings of Include 2003: Inclusive Design for Society and Business. An international conference at the Royal College of Art, 25-28 March 2003, Vol 4, 151-158.
  • Booy, D., McCrindle, R., Barrett, J., Cook, G. and Arnold, F., 2003. Designing Software Interfaces for a Universal Audience. CSUN's 18th Annual International Conference Technology and Persons with Disabilities, March 17-22, 2003.
  • Cook, G. K., McCrindle, R. J., Barrett, J., Booy, D., O'Neill, L. and Arnold, F., 2003. Assistive Technology at the Hospital Bedside. Assistive Technology Shaping the Future: Proceedings of Association of the Advancement of Assistive Technology in Europe Conference (AAATE 03), September 2003, Dublin. 892-896.
  • Barrett, J., 2005. Support and information needs of older and disabled older people in the UK. Applied Ergonomics, 36(2), 177-183
  • McCrindle, R., Barrett, J., Booy, D., Cook, G., and O'Neill, L., 2005. Designing hospital bedside systems for use by patients with a visual impairments. Vision 2005: Proceedings of the International Congress, 4-7 Apr, London, UK, 1041-1045.
  • McCrindle, R. J., Barrett, J., Booy, D., Cook, G. K. and O'Neill, L., 2005. Accessible Hospital Bedside Systems. Proceedings Include 2005, International Conference on Inclusive Design, 5-8 April 2005, London, UK. 
  • McCrindle, R. J., Caffrey, M., Foyle, J., Barrett, D., Booy, D. and Cook, G.K., 2005. Designing Usable and Accessible Public Information Systems. Proceedings HCI International 2005, 11th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 22 - 27 July 2005, Las Vegas, NA, USA.
  • Victor, C. R., Barrett, J., Martin, W. P. and McCrindle, R. J., 2007. Keeping Individuals Safe and Secure: Older Peoples Perceptions of Safety and Security. Annual Conference of The British Society of Gerontology, September 2007, Sheffield.
  • Victor, C. R., Martin, W. P., McCrindle, R. J. and Barrett, J., 2007. Keeping Individuals Safe and Secure: older peoples perspectives on safety and security and the potential of technology. The Gerontological Society of America 60th Annual Meeting. The Era of Global Ageing, Challenges and Opportunities, November 16-20 2007, San Francisco.
  • Williams, V.M., McCrindle, R., Victor, C. R., Barrett, J. and Levene, P., 2009. Using a wearable assistive technology system opportunities and treats. Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging, Special Issue, 19th IAGG World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics, Paris, France.
  • McCrindle, R., Williams, V. M, Victor, C. R., Harvey, A. P., Nyman, S. R., Barrett, J., Hogarth, H. Levene, P., Smith, R,. Panek, P., Edelmayer, G., Mayer, P., Needham, P., Floratos, N., 2011. Wearable device to assist independent living. International Journal on Disability and Human Development, 10(4), 349-354.
  • Barrett, J., 2012. Provision for people with dementia within Housing with Care: Case studies from HDRC Steering Group Providers. HDRC report.
  • Barrett, J., 2014. HDRC membership workshop: The HDRC what next? Shaping research and informing decisions. HDRC report.
  • Barrett, J. 2015. HDRC membership event, 16th June 2015: Advantages and disadvantages of different models of Housing with Care schemes for people living with dementia. HDRC report.
  • Barrett, J., 2018. Pilot study summary report, Feb 2018. Green dementia care in accommodation and care settings – opportunities, barriers and good practice. Available from: https://www.housinglin.org.uk/Topics/type/Green-dementia-care-in-accommodation-and-care-settings-opportunities-barriers-and-good-practice/
  • Barrett, J., Evans, S. and Mapes, N., 2019. Green dementia care in accommodation and care settings: a literature review. Housing, Care and Support, 22(4), 193-206.
  • Evans, S., Barrett, J., Mapes, N., Hennell, J., Atkinson, T., Bray, J., Garabedian, C. and Russell, C., 2019. Connections with nature for people living with dementia. Working with Older People, 23(3), 142-151.
  • Barrett, J., Evans, S. and Pritchard-Wilkes, V. (2020), "Understanding and supporting safe walking with purpose among people living with dementia in extra care, retirement and domestic housing", Housing, Care and Support, 23(2), 37-48.
  • Barrett, J. (2023), "Provisions for people living with dementia in housing with care settings in England", Housing, Care and Support, 26(2), 29-40.

Project reports and outputs

Atkinson, T., Bray, J., Barrett, J. (2024). Holdenhurst Evaluation of Community Link Worker Role – Final Report. Association for Dementia Studies


Atkinson, T. & Barrett, J. (2024) How the DemECH project supports people with dementia in extra care housing. HousingLIN Virtual Summit, online

Barrett, J. (2024) Poster - Supporting People Living with Dementia in Extra Care Housing. UK Dementia, Congress, Coventry

External Responsibilities

  • Member of the Dementia and Housing Working Group