Dr Katy Peat

KP profile


School of Science and the Environment

Biological Sciences

Contact Details

email: k,peat@worc.ac.uk

Katy joined the University of Worcester in December 2024, after working at Aberystwyth University as part of the Lifelong Learning team. Katy delivered biology modules for the Field Ecology course, including specialising in Animal Diversity (zoology) and Dealing with Data (data handling and statistics).

Katy completed her PhD in Biology at Aberystwyth in 2012, where she investigated sexual reproduction in Microsporidia (extremely simplified parasitic fungi) including discovering a novel microsporidian infecting commercial cricket cultures.

She is particularly enthusiastic about microscopy, including scanning and transmission electron microscopy, as well as developmental biology, zoology and microbiology.  

Certificate in Higher Education in Field Ecology, Aberystwyth University (2023)
PhD Biology, Aberystwyth University (2012)
BSc Hons Biology, University of Wales, Aberystwyth (2007)




Teaching Interests

Foundation course Chemistry and Biology
Study skills
Statistics and data handling
Developmental biology


Discovery of a novel microsporidium in laboratory colonies of Mediterranean cricket Gryllus bimaculatus (Orthoptera: Gryllidae): Microsporidium grylli sp. nov. Tokarev, YS, Peat, KM, Malysh, JM & Senderskiy, IV (2018). Parasitology Research, 117: (9), pp 2823-2829.

Balancing selection and the maintenance of MHC supertype variation in a selfing vertebrate. Consuegra, S, Ellison, A, Allainguillaume, J, Pachebat, J, Peat, KM & Wright, P (2013). Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 280: (1754), pp 20122854.

Maintaining functional major histocompatibility complex diversity under inbreeding: the case of a selfing vertebrate. Ellison, A, Allainguillaume, J, Girdwood, S, Pachebat, J, Peat, KM, Wright, P & Consuegra, S (2012). Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 279: (1749), pp 5004-5013.