Dr Kay Norman


Head of Teaching Excellence and Principal Lecturer Adult Nursing

Department of Pre-Registration Nursing

Contact Details

email: k.norman@worc.ac.uk
tel: 01905 542665


EdD. Keele University
Post Graduate Diploma in Professional Healthcare Education. Staffordshire University, (Distinction)
MSc Health Studies. Wolverhampton University
BSc (Hons) Specialist Practice (Practice Nursing) 2:1. Wolverhampton University
Diploma in Professional Nursing Studies. Wolverhampton University
RGN (Adult Nursing). Wolverhampton School of Nursing

Teaching Interests

Teaching Interests

Qualitative research methods
Practice Learning
Leadership and teamwork

Research Interests

Qualitative research methodologies, interpretive approaches, social phenomenology, social constructionism.

Kay's current research interests relate to practice learning, both in terms of nursing higher education programmes and hearing the practice voice, recently leading a research study which explored practice assessors and practice supervisor’s experiences of facilitating learning for pre-registration international nursing students. This was presented at the NETNEP conference, Barcelona in October 2022.

Kay's previous research has focused on the image and perceptions of nursing, with a focus on young people’s decision making in considering nursing as a possible career choice.

PhD supervision and examination

Kay is a current PhD supervisor and has supervised one student to successful completion of their Doctoral studies in 2020. The subject of the thesis related to resilience in Midwifery pre-registration students.

Kay has completed one external examination of a Doctoral student in 2019. The subject of the thesis related to student health visitor and mentor experiences of practice placement and emerging education models.

Professional Experience

Clinical roles:

Contraception and sexual health nurse (2005 - 2014)
Practice Nurse Facilitator and Professional Executive Committee Board Nurse, Wolverhampton Primary Care Trust (2001 - 2003)
Specialist Practitioner (Practice Nursing) (1996 - 2003)

Academic roles:

Qualifications Lead for Nursing, Open University (2014 - 2016)
Principal Lecturer/Academic Group Lead Community Based Nursing, Staffordshire University (2006 - 2014)
Senior Lecturer Community Based Care, Staffordshire University (2003 - 2006)
Lecturer in Primary Care (Part time), Wolverhampton University (2000 - 2003)


NORMAN K., LEWIS A., and CARTER L. (2025) The role of the nurse leader in facilitating effective support and communication to raise concerns. British Journal of Nursing, 34 (3), doi.org/10.12968/bjon.2024.0170

NORMAN K. (2024) How to undertake an effective coaching session, Nursing Management, doi: 10.7748/nm.2024.e2131

NORMAN K. (2024) Enhancing communication within nursing and multiprofessional healthcare teams. Nursing standard. doi: 10.7748/ns.2024.e12270

NORMAN K. (2024) Communication and power relationships IN Watson N. (2024) Effective communication for nursing practice, London, Sage

NORMAN K., WEAVER S. and PERRY L. (2023) Facilitating international students’ learning during placements: the experiences of practice assessors and practice supervisors, Nursing Management, available online Sept 2023, doi: 10.7748/nm.2023.e2097

NORMAN K., PEARSON L. AND KNIGHT K. (2022) How to use annual appraisal and ongoing staff reviews to enhance performance. Nursing Management, doi: 10.7748/nm.2022.e2065

NORMAN K. (2022) A student coaching in practice (SCiP) approach: the impact on adult field pre-registration nursing students. British Journal of Nursing, Vol 31(15), p2-8.

WILLIAMS J., LATHLEAN J. and NORMAN K. (2021) An exploration of the development of resilience in student midwives. British Journal of Midwifery, Vol 29 (6), p330 – 337

NORMAN K. AND MEZAROS K. (2021) Community Nursing Placements: student learning experiences during a pandemic and beyond. British Journal of Community Nursing, Vol 6 (5), p214-217

NORMAN K. ed, (2019) Communication Skills for Nursing and Healthcare Students. Cheltenham, Lantern Publishing

NORMAN K. AND PAVROD E. (2019) Communication as a concept IN NORMAN K. ed, (2019) Communication Skills for Nursing and Healthcare Students. Cheltenham, Lantern Publishing

NORMAN K. Leadership and Teamwork IN NORMAN K. ed, (2019) Communication Skills for Nursing and Healthcare students. Cheltenham, Lantern Publishing

NORMAN K. (2019) Social phenomenology: a personal research journey. Nurse Researcher, Vol 27 (2), p43-45

DONLEY C. AND NORMAN K. (2018) Nursing student perspectives on a quality learning environment in general practice. Primary Health Care, Vol 28 (4), p 36 42, doi:10.7748/phc.2018.e1388

NORMAN K. (2017) The unique role of the nurse: organisation of nursing careers IN O’LUANAIGH P. (Ed) Nurse and Nursing: the person and the profession, London, Routledge 

NORMAN K. and MITCHELL H. (2016) Addressing sexual health an essential role for the primary care nurse. Nursing in Practice, Published online 04.07.16

NORMAN K. (2015) How mentors can influence values, behaviours and attitudes of nursing staff through positive Professional Socialisation, Nursing Management, Vol 22 (8), p32-37

NORMAN K. AND ROCHE K. (2015) Mentors: supporting learning to improve patient care, British Journal of Healthcare Assistants, Vol 9 (3), p 132-137

NORMAN K. (2015) The image of community nursing: implications for future student recruitment, British Journal of Community Nursing, Vol 20 (1) p352-357

NORMAN K. AND NIXON V. (2013) Reflection and reflective practice IN NIXON V. (Ed) (2013) Professional Practice for Paramedic, Emergency and Urgent Care. London, Blackwell Publishing

NORMAN K., ROCHE K. AND JUKES S. (2012) Integrated Care a way forward for Assistant Practitioners. British Journal of Healthcare Assistants, Vol 6 (9) p458-461

NORMAN K. (2012) Leading service improvement in changing times. British Journal of Community Nursing, Vol 17 (4) p162-167

NORMAN K. (2011) Primary and Community Care In HINDLE A. & COATES A. (Eds) Nursing Care of Older People. Oxford, Oxford University Press

NORMAN K. Ed (2008) Portfolios in the Nursing Profession, Use in assessment and professional development. London, Quay Books

NORMAN K. (2008) Providing evidence of achievement IN Portfolios in the Nursing Profession, Use in assessment and professional development. London, Quay Books

NORMAN K. (2008) Organising your portfolio logically and effectively IN Portfolios in the Nursing Profession, Use in assessment and professional development. London, Quay Books

NORMAN K. & OLD C. (2007) PCT Commissioning: how community nurse involvement can be encouraged. British Journal of Community Nursing Vol 12 (11) p518-520

NORMAN K. & PARKER-NORTON M. (2007) Developing a workbook for primary care nursing students. Nursing Times Vol 103 (10) p30-31

NORMAN K. (2005) Leading the response to changes in nursing. Practice Nursing Vol 16(4) p189-190

Conference Presentations:

NORMAN K. TIMMINS S. and HOUGHTON P. (2024) Final year nursing students experiences of teaching excellence . University of Worcester Learning and Teaching Conference, June 2024.

NORMAN K. AND WEAVER S. (2023) The Practice voice: Supporting the learning of pre-registration international nursing students in the UK. AdvanceHE NET conference, Liverpool, December 2023

NORMAN K. and PERRY L. (2022) Practice assessor and practice supervisor experiences of facilitating learning for international pre-registration nursing students. Worcester Acute Hospitals NHS Trust student link conference, Worcester, 3rd May 2022

NORMAN K. Chair, (2019) Project Evaluation: initial findings of student confidence and preparedness for practice following a SCiP placement. Student Coaching in Practice (SCiP) Conference, University of Worcester, UK, September 2019

NORMAN K. (2015) A social phenomenology approach to explore how young people perceive the role of nursing in society, 21st Qualitative Health Research Conference, Toronto, Canada, October 2015

NORMAN K. (2015) How to Recruit and Retain the Next Generation of Nurses in the UK: Young Peoples Views on the Image of Nursing, Annual International Conference on Nursing, Athens, Greece, May 2015

NORMAN K. (2014) Year 11 pupils perceptions of nursing, paper presented at the Research and Innovation in the Recruitment & Retention of Pre-registration nursing students, Edinburgh, February 2014

NORMAN K. (2012) The Image of Nursing, paper presented at NHS West Midlands Nursing Conference, Birmingham, March 2012

NORMAN K. (2006) How do PEC nurses perceive their leadership role, paper presented at the Society for academic primary care, North Regional Conference, Kendal, March 2005

External Responsibilities

  • External examiner for the University of the West of Scotland (current)
  • Previous held external examining positions at Cardiff University, University of Bedfordshire, Manchester Metropolitan University
  • Reviewer for Nurse Researcher
  • Reviewer for Primary Care
  • Reviewer for Nursing Management

Professional Bodies

NMC Specialist Practitioner (Practice Nursing) 
NMC Lecturer/Practice Educator