Dr Marie Stephenson
Senior Lecturer in Education
Education and Inclusion
email: m.stephenson@worc.ac.uk
tel: 01905 542340
Marie joined the Department for Education & Inclusion in 2014 and brings extensive teaching experience from the post-compulsory (FE) sector. Marie has several specialisms, which include teaching the visually impaired, having spent a few years designing and delivering courses at the Royal National College for the Blind. She teaches on undergraduate & post graduate courses in the Department for Education & Inclusion and is pathway lead for the MA in Education (Leadership & Management). She is also Course Lead for the BA (Hons) Special Educational Needs, Disability and Inclusion.
Marie is also currently the lead coordinator for the new NPQ SENCO working with valuable partners such as the Church of England (Diocese of Worcester) to deliver their excellent replacement course for the PGCert NASENCo Award – which welcomes SEND practitioners from across the country.
Marie is also an academic tutor for a range of students at different levels of their study, she enjoys working with others to help develop their independence, academic skills and to empower them to reach their potential both personally and professionally. This academic support includes masters dissertation and doctoral supervision. She enjoys the collaborative elements of her role and takes great pleasure in working with colleagues on shared interests, across disciplines and departments. Recent work of this nature includes exploring the literature surrounding notion of inclusive leadership, and the concept of the listening leader and how these types of leadership are underpinned by principles such as equality, fairness, dignity, respect, and democracy.
Marie holds a master’s degree in Educational Leadership & Management and a doctorate in Education. Her doctoral thesis concerned “Ethical decision-making: Learning from Prominent Leaders in Not-for-Profit Organisations”. The research has provided many insights into the ethical leader mindset, particularly how such leaders maintain their moral compass in morally intense situations in value expressive organisations (contexts). The research shows how the concepts of responsibility, trust and ethics are perpetually interwoven.
Marie’s interest in ethical leadership also extends to her university roles; she is one of the Academic Integrity Tutors for the School of Education and works hard in ensuring that both students and staff understand the importance of maintaining high standards of academic practice, delivering developmental work, advice, and guidance across the school.
- PhD in Education (2018)
- PGCert Research Methods (with Distinction – 2013)
- MSc Educational Leadership and Management (with Distinction – 2008)
- BTEC Professional Award: Teaching Adults with a Visual Impairment (2006)
- PGCE in Education (Education & Training) with Distinction, University of Wales – 1998
- Further & Adult Education Teachers’ Cert (1997)
Teaching & Research
Teaching Interests
- MA in Education (Leadership and Management pathway lead) – MAED4124 & MAED4123
- BA (Hons) SENDI – mandatory modules supporting students into HE
Research Interests
- Educational Leadership
- Ethical decision-making
- Inclusive Leadership
- Social Justice in Education
Stephenson, M. E. (2025 in press). The role of learner voice in producing powerful and sustainable educational change. In Taylor, S., and Bracken, S. Learner voices, perspectives, and positionings. London: Routledge.
Stephenson, M., Solvason, C., France, T., & Sheehan, P. (2022). Developing Effective Professional Learning Communities for Senior Leaders. In: Fowler, D., & Raehll, M. B. (eds.) On Leadership: An Interdisciplinary Approach. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing Inc.
Smith, J. & Stephenson, M. (2021). Towards Inclusion: Rhetoric & Reality. In: Sewell, A. & Smith, J. (eds.) Introduction to Special Educational Needs, Disability & Inclusion: A Student’s Guide. London: Sage Publications Ltd.
Stephenson (2018). “Ethical Decision-making: Learning from prominent leaders in not-for-profit organisations”. PhD thesis, University of Worcester, Worcester, UK.
External Roles
External Examiner openings considered.