Bray, J., Evans, S., Lord, N. & Payne-Lunn S. (2024). Community engagement with heritage-based resources online. Journal of Dementia Care, 32(3), 38-41
Morton, T., Evans, S.B., Swift, R., Bray, J., Frost, F. & Russell, C. (2024). Reaching people and managing membership in community-based dementia support groups: The Get Real with Meeting Centres Realist Evaluation Part 1, Aging & Mental Health,
Morton, T., Evans, S. B., Swift, R., Bray, J., Frost, F., Russell, C., Brooker, D., Wong, G. & Hullah, N. (2024). Strategic and operational issues in sustaining community-based dementia support groups: the Get Real with Meeting Centres realist evaluation part 2. Aging & Mental Health, 1–9.
Tinelli, M., Morton, T., Bray, J., Henderson, C., Frost, F., & Evans, S. (2024). Using choice modelling to inform service sustainability for dementia Meeting Centres for people living with dementia in the UK. Aging & Mental Health, 28(12), 1713–1725.
Evans, S.B. & Twigg, J. (2023). The online leisure environment. In Gray, K., Russell, C. & Twigg, J. (2023). Leisure and everyday life with dementia. Open University Press
Edwards, P., Lee, K., Evans, S., Williamson, T. & Woods, S. (2023). Is the proposed Major Conditions Strategy, covering illnesses like cancer and heart disease as well as dementia, the right answer or should dementia have a strategy of its own? Journal of Dementia Care, 31(3) 10-11
Stephens, N., Evans, S., Russell, C., & Brooker, D. (2023). Understanding ‘value’ in the context of community-based interventions for people affected by dementia: A concept analysis. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 00, 1–13.
Morton, T., Evans, S. B., Swift, R., Bray, J. & Frost, F. (2023). The legacy of COVID-19 in dementia community support: ongoing impacts on the running of Meeting Centres. Working with Older People. (In Press). doi: 10.1108/WWOP-03-2023-0006
Russell, C., Kohe, G.Z., Evans, S.B, and Brooker, D. (2022) Rethinking Spaces of Leisure: How People Living with Dementia Use the Opportunities Leisure Centres Provide to Promote their Identity and Place in the World, International Journal of the Sociology of Leisure. doi: 10.1007/s41978-022-00121-x
Morton, T., Evans, S.B., Brooker, D., Williamson, T., Wong, G., Tinelli, M., Frost, F., Bray, J. & Hullah, N. (2022). Sustainability of locally driven centres for those affected by dementia: a protocol for the get real with meeting centres realist evaluation. BMJ Open,12(5) e062697. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2022-062697
Evans, S., Brooker, D., Bray, J., Stephens, N., (2022), The Essential Features of Meeting Centres: development of the UK criteria for community support for people affected by dementia, Working with Older People, Vol. 27 No. 3, pp. 191-201.
Evans, S., Harrison, M., Morgan, N., Kilkenny, C. and Morton, T. (2022), Community makers: report on developing an online toolkit for supporting people with dementia to connect during the pandemic and beyond, Working with Older People, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
Gerritsen, D., van der Roest, H., Evans, S.B., Leontjevas, R., Prins, M., Brooker, D. & Dröes, R.M (In Press expected 2022) Chapter 13: The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the well-being of people living with dementia. In M. van den Bulcke and E. Schokkaert (Eds) Dementia & Society: Cambridge University Press
Henderson, C., Rehill, A., Brooker, S., Evans, S.C., Evans, S.B., Bray, J., Saibene, F.L., Scorolli, C., Szcześniak, D., d’Arma, A., Urbanska, K., Atkinson, T., Farina, E., Rymaszewska, J., Chattat, R., Meiland, F.J.M., Dröes, R.M., Knapp, M. (2021), Costs and Cost-Effectiveness of the Meeting Centres Support Programme for People Living with Dementia in Italy, Poland and the UK: The MEETINGDEM Study. Health and Social care in the Community
Morton, T., Brooker, D., Wong, G., Atkinson, T & Evans, S.B. (2021) Keeping community groups and activities going - Sustainable Community Interventions for people affected by Dementia: Recommendations for practice from the SCI-Dem Project. University of Worcester ISBN 978-0-903607-33-9
Morton, T., Brooker, D., Wong, G., Atkinson, T. & Evans, S.B. (2021) Sustaining community groups and activities for people affected by dementia: Recommendations from the SCI-Dem Project for commissioners and policy-makers. University of Worcester ISBN 978-0-903607-34-6
Morton, T., Brooker, D., Wong, G., Atkinson, T. & Evans, S.B. (2021) Helping your community group or activity club to keep going strong: Suggestions for members of groups and clubs from the SCI-Dem Review. University of Worcester ISBN 978-0-903607-35-3
Dorota Szcześniak, Joanna Rymaszewska, Francesca Lea Saibene, Katarzyna Małgorzata Lion, Alessia D’arma, Dawn Brooker, Shirley B. Evans, Simon C. Evans, Rabih Chattat, Claudia Scorolli, Franka Meiland, Iris Hendriks, Rose-Marie Dröes & Elisabetta Farina (2021) Meeting centres support programme highly appreciated by people with dementia and carers: a European cross-country evaluation, Aging & Mental Health, 25:1, 149-159, DOI: 10.1080/13607863.2019.1683814
Katarzyna Małgorzata Lion, Dorota Szcześniak, Katarzyna Bulińska, Justyna Mazurek, Shirley B. Evans, Simon C. Evans, Francesca Lea Saibene, Alessia d’Arma, Claudia Scorolli, Elisabetta Farina, Dawn Brooker, Rabih Chattat, Franka J. M. Meiland, Rose-Marie Dröes, Joanna Rymaszewska. (2021) Does the Meeting Centre Support Programme decrease the experience of stigmatisation among people with cognitive deficits?. Aging & Mental Health 25:1, pages 160-169.
Russell, C., Kohe, G.Z., Brooker, D. and Evans, S. (2020) ‘Sporting Identity, Memory, and People with Dementia: Opportunities, Challenges, and Potential for Oral History’, The International Journal of the History of Sport, 36(13-14), pp.1157-1179. doi: 10.1080/09523367.2019.1703690.
Urbanska, K., Szcześniak D, Evans,S…., et al (2019), Do people with dementia and Mild Cognitive Impairments experience Stigma? A cross-cultural investigation between Italy, Poland and the UK, Aging and Mental Health (awaiting publication);
Evans, S., Brooker, D., Evans, S., et al, (2018), The impact of the implementation of the Dutch combined Meeting Centres Support Programme for family caregivers of people with dementia in Italy, Poland and UK, Aging and Mental Health, 6:1-11;
Brooker D, Evans S, Evans S, et al. Evaluation of the implementation of the Meeting Centres Support Program in Italy, Poland, and the UK; exploration of the effects on people with dementia. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2018;33:883–892.
Szcześniak, D., Dröes, R., Meiland, F., Brooker, D., Evans, S, B., et al (2018). Does the community-based combined Meeting Center Support Programme (MCSP) make the pathway to day-care activities easier for people living with dementia? A comparison before and after implementation of MCSP in three European countries. International Psychogeriatrics, 30(11), 1717-1734. doi:10.1017/S1041610217002885;
Brooker D, Evans S, Evans S, et al. (2018), Evaluation of the implementation of the Meeting Centres Support Program in Italy, Poland, and the UK; exploration of the effects on people with dementia. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2018;33:883–892.
Evans, S.B., Evans, S.C., Bray, J., (2017), The iPad project: Introducing iPads into care homes in the UK to support digital inclusion Journal of Gerontechnology (under review);
Meiland, F., Innes, A., Mountain, G., Robinson, R., van der Roest, H., Antonio, J., Gove, D., Thyrian, R., Evans, S., Dröes, R.M., Franco-Martín, M., (2017), Technologies to support community-dwelling persons with dementia: an INTERDEM position paper on issues regarding development, usability, (cost)effectiveness, implementation and ethics under review Journal of Medical Internet Research [online]
Brooker, D., Droes, R. M., Evans, S., (2016), Framing outcomes of post-diagnostic psychosocial interventions in dementia: The Adaptation-Coping Model and Adjusting to Change. Working with Older People. Vol 21: Issue 1
Brooker, D., Droes, RM., Evans S., (2015), Facilitators and barriers to opening a Meeting Centre for people with dementia and their carers in the United Kingdom. the UK Dementia Congress, Telford, November 2015
Evans, S., (2015), CMALT: recent trends in learning technology specialisms and CPD opportunities. Conference paper presented at ALT-C, Manchester, 2015
Minocha, S., McNulty, C., Evans, S., (2015) Imparting digital skills to people aged 55 years and over in the UK, [online], (last accessed 19th October 2015) Open University Milton Keynes, UK
Evans, S., Evans S., Bray, J., (2015), How iPads can support people with dementia living in care homes [online] (last accessed 19th October 2015
Brooker, D., and Evans, S., (2015), Meeting Centres: an innovative way of supporting people with mild to moderate dementia and their families through an evidence-based, person-centred approach. Conference paper presented at the British Society of Gerontology Annual Conference, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, July 2015
Evans, S., and Minocha, S., E-learning and over 65s: designing for accessibility and digital inclusion , (2013), Conference paper to be presented at 29th Annual International Technology and Persons with Disabilities Conference, San Diego, CA, (accepted for presentation in March 2014).
Evans, S., (2013), Enable – a European Network on ICT to Support Lifelong Learning by Disabled Students. Conference paper to be presented at 29th Annual International Technology and Persons with Disabilities Conference, San Diego, CA, (accepted for presentation in March 2014).
Evans, S., Hersh S., and Ball, S., (2013), Enable Network on ICT to Support Lifelong Learning by Disabled Students. Abstract in: ALT-C 2013 Building New Cultures of Learning, 11-13 September 2012, University of Manchester, UK.
Evans, S., and Minocha, S., (2013), Accessibility, usability and safety of online environments: the implications for designing e-learning for older people. Abstract in: ALT-C 2013 A confrontation with reality, 11-13 September 2012, University of Manchester, UK.
Ball, S., Evans, S., and Loftfield, A., (2013) Discover Jisc: Promoting Inclusive
Learning and Teaching in the Further Education and Skills Sector. In the proceedings of International Conference on Using New Technologies for Inclusive Learning, Enable 2013, M.A. Hersh (ed.).
Evans, S., and Featherstone, L., (2013), In-Folio: an easy to use e-portfolio for learners with learning difficulties or disabilities. In the proceedings of International Conference on Using New Technologies for Inclusive Learning, Enable 2013, M.A. Hersh (ed.).
Evans, S., and Loftfield, A., (2013), The Jisc TechDis Toolbox and Voices and the SBRI Assistive Technology Competitions. In the proceedings of International Conference on Using New Technologies for Inclusive Learning, Enable 2013, M.A. Hersh (ed.).
Hartnett, E., Minocha, S., Palmer, J., Petre, M., Evans, S., Middup, C. P., Dunn, K., Murphy, B., Heap, T., and Dave Roberts (2013). Older People and Online Social Interactions: An Empirical Investigation. In the proceedings of 18th UKAIS Conference on Information Systems.
Minocha, S., Hartnett, E., Dunn, K., Evans, S., Heap, T., Middup, C. P., Murphy, B., and Roberts, D., (2013) Conducting Empirical Research with Older People. In the proceedings of HCI 2013, 27th April 2013, Paris, France.
Evans, S., and Ball, S., (2012), Accessibility Maturity of TEL in UK HE: JISC TechDis lifts the lid on a decade of progress. In proceedings of: 7th International Blended Learning Conference, University of Hertfordshire.
Evans, S., McNaught, A., (2012), JISC TechDis Voices for learners - bringing synthetic speech to the mainstream. Abstract in: ALT-C 2012 a confrontation with reality, 11-13 September 2012, University of Manchester, UK.
Evans, S., Featherstone, L., (2012), JISC TechDis Toolbox - digital resources to enhance employability skills for disabled students. Abstract in: ALT-C 2012 a confrontation with reality, 11-13 September 2012, University of Manchester, UK.
Evans, S., Taylor, J., Berkley, V., Wilder, B., Featherstone, L., (2012), E-Safety and Vulnerable Learners: a cross-sectoral approach to developing resources. Abstract in: ALT-C 2012 a confrontation with reality, 11-13 September 2012, University of Manchester, UK.
Evans, S., (2011), Evaluating a Higher Education Inclusive Practice and Learning Scheme in the UK. Abstract presented at 27th Annual International Technology and Persons with Disabilities Conference, San Diego, CA.
Evans, S., (2011), In-Folio: an accessible e-portfolio for students with disabilities. Abstract presented at 27th Annual International Technology and Persons with Disabilities Conference, San Diego, CA.
McNaught, A., Evans, S., and Ball, S., (2010), E-Books and Inclusion: Dream Come True or Nightmare. In proceedings of: Computers Helping People with Special Needs, 12th International Conference, ICCHP 2010, Vienna, Austria, July 14-16, 2010. Proceedings, Part I
Evans, S (2009), E-learning and Blindness: evaluating the quality of the learning experience to inform policy and practice. (last accessed 1st March 2014) Ph.D. thesis, University of Birmingham.
Evans, S., and Douglas, G., (2008). E-Learning and Blindness: A Comparative Study of the Quality of an E-Learning Experience. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness. 102, 2, pp. 77-88
Sales, A., Evans, S., Musgrove, N., and Homfray, R., (2006), Full-screen magnification on a budget: Using a hardware-based multi-display graphics card as a screen-magnifier, British Journal of Visual Impairment, September; vol. 24, 3: pp. 135-140
Evans, S., (2002), Using a Virtual Learning Environment to deliver transitional skills at the Royal National College for the Blind. British Journal of Visual Impairment, September 2002; vol. 20, 3: pp. 101-104
Project reports and outputs
Bray, J., Davies, S., Finch, E. & Evans, S. (2023). Cart Shed data report: Exploring the possibilities for using the data collected from participants attending the Cart Shed. Association for Dementia Studies
Evans, S. & Bray, J. (2023). Starting the conversation: Exploring use of the Know Your Place and Herefordshire and Worcestershire Life Stories online platforms.
Morton, T., Swift, R., Evans, S.B., Bray, J., Frost, F. & Wong, G. (2023). What you can do to help your Meeting Centre: Suggestions for people who attend Meeting Centres. University of Worcester ISBN 978-0-903607-42-1
Morton, T., Swift, R., Evans, S.B., Bray, J., Frost, F. & Wong, G. (2023). Keeping Meeting Centres going long term: Recommendations for people running Meeting Centres. University of Worcester ISBN 978-0-903607-43-8
Morton, T., Swift, R., Evans, S.B., Bray, J., Frost, F. & Wong, G. (2023). Sustaining Meeting Centres and similar community-led dementia support: Suggestions for health and care professionals. University of Worcester ISBN 978-0-903607-44-5
Senior, T. & Evans, S. (2023) Heritage Pathfinders: Seedcorn Projects.
Senior, T. & Evans, S. (2023) Heritage Pathfinders: Working Both Sides of the Door.
Swift, R. & Evans, S. (2023). Worcestershire Referral Pathways: Routes through Services Supporting People Living with Dementia in Worcestershire. Association for Dementia Studies
Swift, R., Evans, S., Morton, T., Bray, J. & Atkins, J. (2023). Get Real with Meeting Centres - Demographic Profile. Association for Dementia Studies
Swift, R., Evans, S., Morton, T., Bray, J. & Wong, G. (2022). Get Real with Meeting Centres - Herefordshire and Worcestershire Meeting Centres: barriers to attendance and recommendations for how to address them. Association for Dementia Studies
Conference papers
Evans, S.B., Galloway, G. & Coleman, R. The rise and rise of Meeting Centres in the UK: Opportunities and challenges for the future. 2024, Alzheimer's Disease International, Poland
Evans, S.B. Opening welcome address. 2023, UK Dementia Congress, Birmingham
Evans, S.B. & Briggs, S. Crossing the Line: a co-production approach to developing resources to support family carers providing personal care. 2023, UK Dementia Congress, Birmingham
Evans, S.B., Morton, T. & Bray, J. National strategies, perspectives and developments symposium. 2023, UK Dementia Congress, Birmingham
Evans, S.B. Meeting Centres for people affected by dementia: you never know what's round the corner. EBP Conference: Leaders in their field and inspirational research careers, 2023, online
Evans, S.B., Crossing the Line: co-producing resources to support family carers providing personal care, Alzheimer’s Europe, October 2023, Helsinki, Finland
Evans, S.B., Galloway, G., Coleman, R. & Taylor, K. Dementia Meeting Centres: People affected by dementia take the lead. 23rd International Conference on Integrated Care, May 2023, Antwerp, Belgium
Evans, S.B. Case Study: Improving The Wellbeing Of Those With Dementia Through Meeting Centres. Tackling the Challenges of Dementia, January 2023, online
Evans, S.B. Poster - Meeting Centres in the UK: the UK National Consortium and the impact of national dementia strategies. 2023, Alzheimer Europe, Helsinki, Finland and online
Evans, S.B. Poster - Crossing the line: Understanding the experiences of family carers who provide personal care for someone with dementia. 2023, Alzheimer’s Disease International, Poland
Evans, S., Galloway, G., Capper, C., Gerrard, D., Stephens, B., Ward, J., Charters, M., Bruce, M., (2022), A Meeting Centre in Every Town: national and regional perspectives – symposium, UK Dementia Congress November 2022, Birmingham.
Evans, S.B. Meeting Centres UK: building a portfolio of evidence. Alzheimer Europe InterDem October 2022, Bucharest, Romania
Evans, S.B. Meeting Centres in the UK: national and regional approaches to implementation and development. Alzheimer Europe October 2022, Bucharest, Romania
Evans, S., Galloway, G., Coleman, R., Beattie, J., Manji, K., (2022), Meeting Centres in the UK: national and regional approaches to implementation and development, Alzheimer’s Europe October 2022, Bucharest.
Evans, S.B. Welcome address (chair as well). The Care Homes Conference 2022: Providing Person-Centred Care for Older People, online
Evans, S.B. Improving the wellbeing of those with dementia through Meeting Centres. Tackling the Challenges of Dementia 2022, online
Evans, S.B., Stephens, N. & Swift, R. Welcome address and PhDs. 2022, UK Dementia Congress, Birmingham
Alzheimer’s Disease International (2022), Global Conference June 2022: Meeting Centres: regional approaches to community-based support for people affected by dementia
Bray, J. & Evans, S.B. Poster - Exploring the role of data collection in Meeting Centres. 2022, UK Dementia Congress, Birmingham
Evans, S.B., Poster -Meeting Centres: regional approaches to community-based support for people affected by dementia. 2022, Alzheimer's Disease International, London
Morton, T., Evans, S.B., Frost, F., Bray, J., Swift, R. & Russell, C. Poster - Keeping Meeting Centres for people affected by dementia going in a post-pandemic climate: The Get Real Study. 2022, UK Dementia Congress, Birmingham
Evans, S.B. Resilience and Covid - How Meeting Centres have continued to support people affected by dementia and flourish in the UK despite the pandemic. Alzheimer Europe - Resilience in dementia: Moving beyond the COVID-19 pandemic, 2021, online
Evans, S.B. Community Makers Resilience and Covid - Community Makers Project. Alzheimer Europe - Resilience in dementia: Moving beyond the COVID-19 pandemic, 2021, online
Morton, T. & Evans, S.B. Adapting day and community care: Developing the 4 key principles of online community support for people affected by dementia. Alzheimer Europe - Resilience in dementia: Moving beyond the COVID-19 pandemic, 2021, online
Evans, S., and Brooker., (2020), How Meeting Centres adapted to COVID-19: strategies and impact, UK Dementia Congress (online).
Evans S., and Brooker, D., (2020), How can Meeting Centres support people affected by dementia to adjust to change during a period of physical distancing? Alzheimer’s Europe (online)
Evans S., and Galloway, G., (2020), What if they forget who we are?
Adapting the Meeting Centre Support Programme during lockdown and physical distancing,
Hammond Conference (online)
Evans, S., and Brooker, D.,(2019) The Meeting Centre Support Programme: Scaling up across the UK (UK MCSP) Conference presentation at the UK Dementia Congress, Doncaster
Evans, S., and Brooker, D.,(2018) The Meeting Centre Support Programme: Scaling up across the UK (UK MCSP) Conference presentation at the UK Dementia Congress, Brighton;
Evans, S., (2017) Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of the Meeting Centres Support Programme for people living with dementia and their carers in Italy, Poland and the UK. Conference presentation at the Alzheimer Europe conference, Berlin;
Brooker, D., and Evans, S., (2017) The implementation and evaluation of the Meeting Centre Support Programme in the UK, Italy and Poland. Conference presentation at the UK Dementia Congress, Doncaster;
Brooker, D., Droes, RM., Evans S., (2015), Facilitators and barriers to opening a Meeting Centre for people with dementia and their carers in the United Kingdom. Conference paper to be presented at the UK Dementia Congress, Telford, November 2015;
Brooker, D., and Evans, S., (2015), Meeting Centres: an innovative way of supporting people with mild to moderate dementia and their families through an evidence-based, person-centred approach. Conference paper presented at the British Society of Gerontology Annual Conference, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, July 2015.
Evans, S.B. Meeting Centres in Wales, the UK and beyond: Opportunities and Challenges. A Powys Vision for Dementia Services, 2024, online
Evans, S.B., Morton, T., Galloway, G. & Coleman, R. The global growth and evidence base behind Meeting Centres. In Conversation with…Meeting Centres, 2024, online
Evans, S.B. The Meeting Centre Support Programme: from the Netherlands to Poland, Italy and the UK. Dementia Pathways on your Doorstep: Community-based interventions to support independent living, 2023, Lutterworth
Evans, S.B. and Morton, T., Kirklees Meeting Centre Workshop, September 2023, Huddersfield
Evans, S.B., National Trust Meeting Centre Workshop, June 2023, Wisbech
Evans, S.B. and Morton, T., What is a Dementia Meeting Centre and how can it help your community? Dementia Meeting Centre Workshop, May 2023, Swansea
Evans, S.B. & Morton, T. An introduction to Meeting Centres for people affected by dementia. Royal College of Psychiatrists, 2023, online
Evans, S.B. What is a Dementia Meeting Centre and how can it help your community? Dementia Meeting Centre Workshop, April 2022, Dublin, Ireland
The Institute of Government and Public Policy (2022), April 2022: Meeting Centres for people affected by dementia and the impact of COVID-19
Evans, S.B. & Stephens, N. Worcestershire Meeting Centres Project. Research Seminar Series, University of Worcester, online
Brooker, D. & Evans, S.B. & Watts, M. (March 2020), Pioneer workshop: Meeting Centres Support Programme. Peebles, UK (online)
Brooker, D. & Evans, S.B. & Watts, M. (February 2020), Worcestershire Meeting Centres Community Support Scheme. Worcester, UK
Brooker, D. & Evans, S.B. & Watts, M. (December 2019), Pioneer workshop: Meeting Centres Support Programme. Wales Cross Party, UK
Brooker, D. & Evans, S.B. & Watts, M. (November 2019), Pioneer workshop: Meeting Centres Support Programme. London, UK
Brooker, D. & Evans, S.B. & Watts, M. (November 2019), Pioneer workshop: Meeting Centres Support Programme. Doncaster, UK
Brooker, D. & Evans, S.B. & Watts, M. (October 2019), Pioneer workshop: Meeting Centres Support Programme. Leeds, UK
Brooker, D. & Evans, S.B. & Watts, M. (October 2019), Pioneer workshop: Meeting Centres Support Programme. Manchester, UK
Brooker, D. & Evans, S.B. & Watts, M. (October 2019), Pioneer workshop: Meeting Centres Support Programme. Belfast, UK
Brooker, D. & Evans, S.B. & Watts, M. (October 2019), Pioneer workshop: Meeting Centres Support Programme. Dagenham, UK
Brooker, D. & Evans, S.B. & Watts, M. (Sept, 2019), Pioneer workshop: Meeting Centres Support Programme. Wrexham, UK
Brooker, D. & Evans, S.B. & Watts, M. (May, 2016). Pioneer workshop: Meeting Centres Support Programme. Bury Port, UK
Brooker, D. & Evans, S.B. & Watts, M. (April, 2016). Pioneer workshop: Meeting Centres Support Programme. London, UK
Brooker, D. & Evans, S.B. & Watts, M. (March, 2016). Pioneer workshop: Meeting Centres Support Programme. Hereford, UK
Brooker, D. & Evans, S.B. & Watts, M. (March, 2016). Pioneer workshop: Meeting Centres Support Programme. Brecon Theatre Wales, UK
Brooker, D. & Evans, S.B. & Watts, M. (February, 2016). Pioneer workshop: Meeting Centres Support Programme. Northampton University, UK
Brooker, D. & Evans, S. B. & Watts, M (January, 2016). Pioneer workshop: Meeting Centres Support Programme. Worcester University, UK