Publications and dissemination
Frost, F., Atkinson, T. and Latham, I. (2020). Creating the optimal space for dementia care. The Care Environment Magazine Article
Journal articles
Morton, T., Evans, S.B., Swift, R., Bray, J., Frost, F. & Russell, C. (2024). Reaching people and managing membership in community-based dementia support groups: The Get Real with Meeting Centres Realist Evaluation Part 1, Aging & Mental Health,
Morton, T., Evans, S. B., Swift, R., Bray, J., Frost, F., Russell, C., Brooker, D., Wong, G. & Hullah, N. (2024). Strategic and operational issues in sustaining community-based dementia support groups: the Get Real with Meeting Centres realist evaluation part 2. Aging & Mental Health, 1–9.
Tinelli, M., Morton, T., Bray, J., Henderson, C., Frost, F., & Evans, S. (2024). Using choice modelling to inform service sustainability for dementia Meeting Centres for people living with dementia in the UK. Aging & Mental Health, 28(12), 1713–1725.
Morton, T., Evans, S., Swift, R., Bray, J. and Frost, F. (2023), "The legacy of COVID-19 in dementia community support: ongoing impacts on the running of meeting centres", Working with Older People, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
Latham, l., Dobson, A., Frost, F., Mumford, S., Williamson, T., (2022). Introducing CHARM, The Care Home Action Researcher-in-residence Model. Journal of Dementia Care, 30(1), 26-29
Bray, J., Brooker, D., Frost, F. & Mumford, S. (2022). Care home uniforms: exploring stakeholders' views on clothing options for staff, Nursing Older People. Doi:10.7748/nop.2022.e1379
Frost, F., Thompson, T., Matthews, K., White, D., Latham, I., Mumford, S., and Williamson, T. (2022) Covid in a care home: The experience and impact of Covid-19 and a home’s recovery from a staff perspective. Journal of Dementia Care, 30(5), 24-29
Latham, I., Frost, F., Dobson, A., Mumford, S. & Williamson, T. (2022) "I didn't even know you had this job!" The outcomes and facilitators of the Care Home Action Researcher-in-residence Model (CHARM). Journal of Dementia Care, 30(3) 14-19.
Morton, T., Evans, S.B., Brooker, D., Williamson, T., Wong, G., Tinelli, M., Frost, F., Bray, J. & Hullah, N. (2022). Sustainability of locally driven centres for those affected by dementia: a protocol for the get real with meeting centres realist evaluation. BMJ Open,12(5) e062697. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2022-062697
Frost, F., Bray, J., Brooker, D. & Mumford, S. (2021). What should we wear to care? An exploratory study. Journal of Dementia Care, 29(6), 24-27
Bray, J., Brooker, D. Frost, F. & Mumford, S. (2021) What should we wear to care? A person-centred study of care staff clothing in care homes for people with dementia. Nursing Older People. ISSN Print: 1472-0795 Online: 2047-8941 (In-press)
Latham, I., Brooker, D., Bray, J., Jacobson-Wright, N. and Frost, F. (2020). The Impact of Implementing a Namaste Care Intervention in UK Care Homes for People Living with Advanced Dementia, Staff and Families. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17(16), 6004
Bray, J., Brooker, D., Latham, I., Wray, F.* and Baines, D. (2019) Costing resource use of the Namaste Care Intervention UK: A novel framework for costing dementia care interventions in care homes. International Psycho-geriatrics
Research reports and outputs
Morton, T., Swift, R., Evans, S.B., Bray, J., Frost, F. & Wong, G. (2023). What you can do to help your Meeting Centre: Suggestions for people who attend Meeting Centres. University of Worcester ISBN 978-0-903607-42-1
Morton, T., Swift, R., Evans, S.B., Bray, J., Frost, F. & Wong, G. (2023). Keeping Meeting Centres going long term: Recommendations for people running Meeting Centres. University of Worcester ISBN 978-0-903607-43-8
Morton, T., Swift, R., Evans, S.B., Bray, J., Frost, F. & Wong, G. (2023). Sustaining Meeting Centres and similar community-led dementia support: Suggestions for health and care professionals. University of Worcester ISBN 978-0-903607-44-5
Frost, F., Latham, I. & Williamson, T. (2021). The CHARM Framework: A step-by-step guide for care homes to conduct their own research projects. Association for Dementia Studies
Latham, I., Frost, F. & Williamson, T. (2021). The Care Home Action Researcher-in-residence model (CHARM) Study: co-production, implementation and evaluation. Association for Dementia Studies
Delivering Excellent Care Every Day for People Living with Advanced Dementia. Namaste Care UK Implementation Research (2016-2019)
Wear to Care: A person-centred exploratory study of care staff clothing in care homes for people living with dementia, A collaboration between the Association for Dementia Studies and Care UK Care Homes (December 2020)
Conference presentations
Frost, F. & Bushell, D. (2024) Crossing the line: providing personal care in the context of families affected by dementia. The Palliative and End of Life Care and Dementia ECHO Knowledge Network, Dementia UK and Hospice UK, online
Frost, F., Bushell, D., Morton, T. & Williamson, T. (2024) Crossing the Line symposium. Using the toilet when out and about: personal care considerations for family carers supporting someone with dementia. Impact of involvement of Experts by Experience in research to support carers in personal care-giving. Helping someone living with dementia with personal care: Common themes from lived experience. UK Dementia Congress, Coventry
Williamson, T., Latham, L., Frost., F., (2022) CHARM: Optimising research environments in care homes – insights from the Care Home Action Researcher-in-residence Model. CADR Conference 2022 Shaping Environments; Shaping Lives? (Video presentation)
Latham, I. & Frost, F. (2021) What is CHARM (the Care Home Action Researcher in residence Model)? National Centre for Research Methods - Research Methods e-festival, online
Latham, I. & Frost, F. 'CHARMed to work with you': Using the action researcher-in-residence model in care homes. UK Dementia Congress 2020 (video presentation)
Mumford, S. & Frost, F. Wear to care – uniforms in care homes, UK Dementia Congress 2020 (Video presentation)
Jacobson-Wright, N., & Wray, F., Namaste Care Initial Findings, 13th UK Dementia Congress 2018 (Conference Presentation)
Conference Posters:
Frost, F. Crossing the Line: Providing personal care in the context of families affected by dementia. UK Dementia, Congress, Coventry, 2024
Morton, T., Evans, S.B., Frost, F., Bray, J., Swift, R. & Russell, C. Keeping Meeting Centres for people affected by dementia going in a post-pandemic climate: The Get Real Study. UK Dementia Congress, Birmingham, 2022
Wray, F., Does Namaste care provide a practical model for caring for people living with advanced dementia in UK care homes? Initial reflections from the Namaste Care Intervention UK Implementation Project. The 'H' Factor: Holistic themes in palliative care, Worcester 2018
Latham.L., Wray, F., Does Namaste Care provide a practical model for caring for people living with advanced dementia in UK care homes? Initial reflections from the Namaste Care Intervention UK Implementation project (2018), Alzheimer’s Society Annual Conference 2018
Wray, F., Namaste. NIHR Clinical Research Network West Midlands Ageing speciality and ENRICH (Enabling Research In Care Homes) event, Birmingham 2017