Conference papers
'Towards Paperless Assessment'. AULC Annual Conference 2019, King's College London
‘Portfolio Assessment: the Fairest of Them All?’ (with Tim Silk). InnoConf18, University of Liverpool
'Blended Learning and Continuous Assessment: Mixing and Matching'. Association of University Language Centres Conference 2017, Queen's University Belfast
'English for Academic Studies: the Flipped Classroom Experience' (with John Hankinson). AULC Learning & Teaching Support SIG Event 2016, University of Worcester
'Developing Students’ Academic Communication Skills', University of Worcester Annual Teaching, Learning and Student Experience Conference 2016, University of Worcester
'English for Academic Studies: Tailored Online Support for International Students'. Learning, Teaching and Student Experience Conference 2015, University of Worcester
'Using English UK Campus on a Pre-sessional Course: Why, How and Again Next Year?' English UK Teachers' Conference 2014, London
'Filming and Streaming Student Presentations: Worth the Effort?' (with A. Harbuz). Supporting Student Learning & Teaching Conference June 2012, University of Worcester
'"Sorry, Course Cancelled"; What Do Students Think of Hybrid Language Learning as an Alternative?’ (with J. Lewin-Jones and P. Snookes). HEA LLAS Subject Centre Languages in Higher Education 2010 Conference: Raising the Standard for Languages, London
'WWW: Worcester, Warwick and Wimba - Connecting Learners' (with J. McKie, P. Snookes and T. MacKinnon). Association of University Language Centres Conference 2010, University of Exeter
'From Myth to Release: Providing On-demand Access to Free-to-air Broadcast Recordings' (with J. McKie). Association of University Language Centres Conference 2010, University of Exeter
'Blended Learning as a Means to an End' (with J. McKie and P. Snookes). E-Learning Symposium 2010, University of Southampton
'Establishing Blended Learning Provision in Your Department – Reflections on the Blended Language Learning Consortium Project' (with P. Snookes). Supporting Student Learning & Teaching Conference June 2009, University of Worcester
Barker, J. and Snookes, P. (2009) 'Blended Learning as a Means to an End', Worcester Journal of Learning and Teaching, Issue 3