Publications and Dissemination
Peer reviewed journal articles
Brooker, D. (2024) Person-Centred Dementia Care: The Legacy of Tom Kitwood. International Journal of Person Centered Medicine Vol 12 No 2 pp 21-36, DOI: 10.5750/ijpcm.v12i2.1114
Morton, T., Evans, S. B., Swift, R., Bray, J., Frost, F., Russell, C., Brooker, D., Wong, G. & Hullah, N. (2024). Strategic and operational issues in sustaining community-based dementia support groups: the Get Real with Meeting Centres realist evaluation part 2. Aging & Mental Health, 1–9.
Stephens, N., Evans, S.B., Russell, C. & Brooker, D. (2023). Understanding 'value' in the context of community-based interventions for people affected by dementia: A concept analysis. Journal of Advanced Nursing
Surr, C., Rokstad, A.M.M., Miravent, J., Gomez, E., Post, A., Fusek, C., Brooker, D. (2023) Development and acceptability of the Person-centred Observation and Reflection Tool (PORT) for supporting staff and practice development in dementia care services. International Journal of Older People Nursing. DOI: 10.1111/opn.12555
Yemm, H., Peel, E. & Brooker, D. (2023). "I guess you can interpret it in a number of ways like kind of a milder or the mildest form of dementia?" Multi-stakeholder perceptions of cognitive impairment. Dementia
Bray, J., Brooker, D., Frost, F. & Mumford, S. (2022). Care home uniforms: exploring stakeholders' views on clothing options for staff, Nursing Older People. Doi:10.7748/nop.2022.e1379
Evans, S.B., Bray, J., Brooker, D. & Stephens, N. (2022). The Essential Features of Meeting Centres: development of the UK criteria for community support for people and families affected by dementia. Working with Older People.
Morton, T., Evans, S.B., Brooker, D., Williamson, T., Wong, G., Tinelli, M., Frost, F., Bray, J. & Hullah, N. (2022). Sustainability of locally driven centres for those affected by dementia: a protocol for the get real with meeting centres realist evaluation. BMJ Open,12(5) e062697. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2022-062697
Russell, C., Kohe, G., Evans, S. & Brooker, D. (2022). Rethinking spaces of leisure: How people living with dementia use the opportunities Leisure Centres provide to promote their identity and place in the world. International Journal of the Sociology of Leisure,
Yemm, H., Peel, E. & Brooker, D. (2022). Understandings of mild cognitive impairment (MCI): a survey study of public and professional perspectives. Working with Older People
Evans, S., Bray, J. and Brooker, D. (2021), "How Meeting Centres continue to support people affected by dementia: report on UK COVID-19 impact", Working with Older People, Vol. 25 No. 4, pp. 283-293.
Hendriks, I., Demetrio, R., Meiland, F., Chattat, R., Szczesniak, D., Rymaszewska, J., Evans, S.B., Brooker, D., Evans, S.C., Atkinson, T., Farina, E., Saibene, F., Ettema, T., Gerritsen, D. & Droes, R. (2021). Value of personalized dementia-specific QOL scales; an explorative study in 3 European countries. American Journal of Alzheimers Disease & Other Dementias
Morton T, Wong G, Atkinson T, & Brooker, D. Sustaining community-based interventions for people affected by dementia long term: the SCI-Dem realist review. BMJ Open 2021;11:e047789. doi:10.1136/ bmjopen-2020-047789
Young J, Green J, Godfrey M, Smith J, Cheater F, Hulme C, Collinson M, Hartley S, Anwar S, Fletcher M, Santorelli G, Meads D, Hurst K, Siddiqi N, Brooker D, Teale E, Brown A, Forster A, Farrin A and Inouye S. (2021) The Prevention of Delirium system of care for older patients admitted to hospital for emergency care: the POD research programme including feasibility RCT. Programme Grants Applied Research; volume 9, number 4.
Henderson, C., Rehill, A., Brooker, D., Evans, S.C., Evans, S.B., Bray, J. Saibene, F., Scorolli, C., Szczesniak, D., d'Arma, A., Lion, K., Atkinson, T., Farina, E., Rymaszewska, J., Chattat, R., Meiland, F., Droes, R., Knapp, M. (2021). Costs and Cost-Effectiveness of the Meeting Centres Support Programme for People Living with Dementia in Italy, Poland and the UK: The MEETINGDEM Study. Health and Social Care in the Community. 29, 1756-1768
Bray, J., Brooker, D., & Garabedian, C. (2021) A rapid assessment evidence review for the activity components of Namaste care. Dementia: the international journal of social research and practice, Vol. 20(1) 247–272
Evans, S.B., Bray, J. & Brooker, D. (2021) How Meeting Centres continue to support people affected by dementia: report on UK COVID-19 impact, Working with Older People. ISSN Print: 1366-3666 Online: 2042-8790 (In Press)
SzczeĹ›niak, D., Rymaszewska, J., Saibene, F.L., UrbaĹ„ska, K., d’Arma, A., Brooker, D., Evans, S.B., Evans, S.C., Chattat, R., Scorolli, C., Meiland, F., Hendriks, I., Dröes, R.M., Farina, E (2021) Meeting centres support programme highly appreciated by people with dementia and carers: a European cross-country evaluation, Aging & Mental Health, 25:1, 149-159, DOI: 10.1080/13607863.2019.1683814
Lion, K.M., SzczeĹ›niak, D., Evans,S.B., Evans, S.C., Scorolli, C., Saibene, F.L., d’Arma, A., Farina, E., Brooker, D., Chattat, R., Meiland, F.J.M., Dröes, R.M., Rymaszewska, J. Katarzyna MaĹ‚gorzata (2021) Does the Meeting Centre Support Programme decrease the experience of stigmatisation among people with cognitive deficits?, Aging & Mental Health, 25:1, 160-169, DOI: 10.1080/13607863.2019.1683815
Latham, I., Brooker, D., Bray, J., Jacobson-Wright, N. and Frost, F. (2020). The Impact of Implementing a Namaste Care Intervention in UK Care Homes for People Living with Advanced Dementia, Staff and Families. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17(16), p. 6004. Available at:
Lion, K., SzczeĹ›niak, D., Buliríska, K., Evans, S.B., Evans, S.C., Siabene, F., d'Arma, A., Farina, E., Brooker, D., Chattat, R., Meiland, F., Dröes, R. and Rymaszewska, J. (2020). Do people with dementia and mild cognitive impairments experience stigma? A cross-cultural investigation between Italy, Poland and the UK. Aging & Mental Health, 24:6, 947-955, DOI: 10.1080/13607863.2019.1577799
Russell, C., Kohe, G.Z., Brooker, D. and Evans, S. (2020) ‘Sporting Identity, Memory, and People with Dementia: Opportunities, Challenges, and Potential for Oral History’, The International Journal of the History of Sport, 36(13-14), pp.1157-1179. doi: 10.1080/09523367.2019.1703690.
Wolverson E, Birtles H, Moniz-Cook E, James I, Brooker D, Duffy F. Naming and Framing the Behavioural and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia (BPSD) Paradigm: Professional Stakeholder Perspectives. OBM Geriatrics 2019;3(4):19; 209-227 doi:10.21926/obm.geriatr.1904080.
Morton, T., Atkinson, T., Brooker, D., Wong, G. & Kennard, C (2019) Sustainability of community-based interventions for people affected by dementia: a protocol for the SCI-Dem realist review July BMJ Open 9(7):e032109
Bray, J., Brooker, D., & Garabedian, C. (2019) A rapid assessment evidence review for the activity components of Namaste care. Dementia: the international journal of social research and practice,
Bray, J., Brooker, D., Latham, I., Wray, F., & Baines, D. (2019). Costing resource use of the Namaste Care Intervention UK: A novel framework for costing dementia care interventions in care homes. International Psychogeriatrics, 1-10. doi:10.1017/S1041610218002314
Bray, J., Atkinson, T., Latham, I. & Brooker, D. (2019). Practice of Namaste Care for People living with Dementia in the UK. Nursing Older People, 31 (1), 22-28,e1109
Evans, S.B., Evans, S.C., Brooker, D., Henderson, C., SzczeĹ›niak, D., Atkinson, T., Bray,J., Rehill A., Saibene, F.L., d’Arma, A., Scorolli, C., Chattat, R., Farina, E., UrbaĹ„ska, K., Rymaszewska, J., Meiland, F. & Dröes, R.M. (2018) The impact of the implementation of the Dutch combined Meeting Centres Support Programme for family caregivers of people with dementia in Italy, Poland and UK, Aging & Mental Health, 24:2, 280-290, DOI: 10.1080/13607863.2018.1544207
SzczeĹ›niak, D., Dröes, R., Meiland, F., Brooker, D., Farina, E., Chattat, R., . . . Rymaszewska, J. (2018). Does the community-based combined Meeting Center Support Programme (MCSP) make the pathway to day-care activities easier for people living with dementia? A comparison before and after implementation of MCSP in three European countries. International Psychogeriatrics, 30(11), 1717-1734. doi:10.1017/S1041610217002885
Tischler, V. and Schneider, J. and Morgner, C. and Crawford, P. and Dening, T., Brooker, D., Garabedian, C. and Myers, T. and Early, F. and Shaughnessy, N. and Innes, A. and Duncan, K. and Prashar, A. and McDermott, O. and Coaten, R. and Eland, D. and Harvey, K. (2018) Stronger Together: Learning from an Interdisciplinary Dementia, Arts & Wellbeing Network (DA&WN). Arts and Health: An International Journal for Research, Policy and Practice. ISSN 1753-3015 Online: 1753-3023 (In Press)
Carter, C., Bray, J., Read, K., Harrison-Dening, K., Thompson, R and Brooker, D. (2018) Articulating the unique competencies of admiral nurse practice. Working with Older People, Vol. 22 Issue: 3, pp.139-147
Godfrey M, Young J, Shannon R, Skingley A, Woolley R, Arrojo F, Brooker D, Manley K, & Surr C. (2018) The Person, Interactions and Environment Programme to improve care of people with dementia in hospital: a multisite study. Health Serv Deliv Res 2018; 6 (23)
Brooker, D., Evans, S.C., Evans, S.B., Bray, J., Saibene, F.L., Scorolli, C., SzczeĹ›niak,, D., D’Arma, A., UrbaĹ„ska, K., Atkinson, T., Farina, E., Rymaszewska, J., Chattat, R., Henderson, C., Rehill, A., Hendriks, I., Meiland, F. and Dröes, RM. (2018) Evaluation of the implementation of Meeting Centres Support Programme: The impact on people living with dementia in Italy, Poland and UK; exploration of the effects on people with dementia. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 33; 883-892
Broome, E., Dening, T., Schneider, J. and Brooker, D. (in press 2018) Care staff and the creative arts: exploring the context of involving care personnel in arts interventions. International Psychogeriatrics.
Brooker, D. (2018) Maintaining Dignity and Quality of Life for Elderly Persons with Dementia until End of Life through Person Centred Care. Journal of the Japan Academy of Gerontological Nursing, 22 (2), 10-15.
Van Mierlo, L., Chattat, R., Evans, S., Brooker, D., Saibene, F., Gamberini, G., Farina, E., Scorolli, C., Szczesniak, D., Urbanska, K.M., Rymaszewska, J., Dröes, R.M., Meiland, F.J.M. (2018). Facilitators and barriers to adaptive implementation of the Meeting Centers Support Program (MCSP) in three European countries; the process evaluation within the MEETINGDEM study. International Psychogeriatrics, 30(4), 527-537. doi:10.1017/S1041610217001922
SzczeĹ›niak, D., Dröes, R., Meiland, F., Brooker, D., Farina, E., Chattat, R., . . . Rymaszewska, J. (2018). Does the community-based combined Meeting Center Support Programme (MCSP) make the pathway to day-care activities easier for people living with dementia? A comparison before and after implementation of MCSP in three European countries. International Psychogeriatrics, 1-18. doi:10.1017/S1041610217002885
Dröes, R. M., Meiland, F. J. M., Evans, S., Brooker, D., Farina, E., SzczeĹ›niak, D., L. D. Van Mierlo, M. Orrell, J. Rymaszewska & Chattat, R. (2017) Comparison of the adaptive implementation and evaluation of the Meeting Centers Support Program for people with dementia and their family carers in Europe; study protocol of the MEETINGDEM project. BMC geriatrics, 17(1).
Brooker, D., Evans, S.B. and Dröes, R.M. (2017) Framing outcomes of post-diagnostic psychosocial interventions in dementia. Working with Older People, 21(1), 13-21.
Mangiaracina, F., Chattat, R., Farina, E., Saibene, F.L., Gamberini, G., Brooker, D., Evans, S.C., Evans, S.B., SzczeĹ›niak, D., Urbanska, K., Rymaszewska, J., Hendriks, I., Dröes, R.M., and Meiland, F.J.M. (in press) Not Re-inventing the Wheel: The Adaptive implementation of the Meeting Centres Support Programme in four European countries. Aging and Mental Health
Houghton, C., Murphy, K. Brooker, D. & Casey, D. (2016). Healthcare staffs’ experiences and perceptions of caring for people with dementia in the acute setting: Qualitative evidence synthesis. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 61 , 104 - 116 DOI:
Houghton, C., Murphy, K., Meehan, B., Thomas, J., Brooker, D. & Casey, D. (2016): From screening to synthesis: using NVivo to enhance transparency in Qualitative Evidence Synthesis. Journal of Clinical Nursing. doi: 10.1111/jocn.13443
Erol, R., Brooker, D. & Peel, E. (2016): The impact of dementia on women internationally: An integrative review, Health Care for Women International
Bray, J., Evans, S., Thompson, R., Bruce, M., Carter, C., Brooker, D., Milosevic, S., Coleman, H. and McSherry, W. (2015). Understanding the needs of people with dementia and family carers. Nursing Older People, 27, 7, 18-23
Bray, J., Evans, S., Bruce, M., Carter, C., Brooker, D., Milosevic, S., Thompson, R. and Hutt, L. (2015) Improving activity and engagement for patients with dementia. Nursing Older People, 27, 8, 22-26.
Bray, J., Evans, S., Bruce, M., Carter, C., Brooker, D., Milosevic, S., Thompson, R. and Hutt, L. (2015) Improving the hospital environment for people with dementia. Nursing Older People, 27, 9, 16-20.
Bray, J., Evans, S., Bruce, M., Carter, C., Brooker, D., Milosevic, S., Thompson, R. and Woods, C. (2015) Enabling hospital staff to care for people with dementia. Nursing Older People, 27, 10, 29-32.
Evans, S.C., Brooker, D., Thompson, R., Bray, J., Milosevic, S., Bruce, M., Carter, C. (2015) Evaluating a Dementia Leadership Programme for Senior Nurses in Acute Hospitals. Nursing Older People 27, 6, 18-24
Brooker, D., Latham, I., Evans, S., Jacobson, N, Perry, W., Bray, J. Ballard, C., Fossey, J. & Pickett, J (2015) FITS into Practice: Translating research into practice in reducing the use of anti-psychotic medication for people living with dementia in care homes. Aging and Mental Health. DOI:10.1080/13607863.2015.1063102
Killett, A., Burns, D., Kelly, F., Brooker, D; Bowes, A., La Fontaine, J., Latham, I., Wilson, M. & O’Neill, M. (2014): Digging deep: How organisational culture affects care home residents’ experiences, Ageing & Society DOI: 10.1017/S0144686X14001299
Brooker, D., La Fontaine, J., Evans, S., Bray, J. & Saad, K., (2014) Public health guidance to facilitate timely diagnosis of dementia: ALzheimer’s COoperative Valuation in Europe (ALCOVE) Recommendations, International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry , 29: 682–693 DOI: 10.1002/gps.4066
Brooker, D, La Fontaine J., De Vries, K. & Latham, I. (2013). The development of PIECE-dem: Focussing on the experience of care for people with living with advanced dementia. The British Psychological Society Clinical Psychology Forum, Vol 250 (October), 38-46
Brooker, D., Leung, D., Bowley, K., Etches, C., Bray, J., Smith, P. Willoughby, J., Hampson, G., & Upton, D. (2013). The Dementia Care Bundle: Improving the quality and safety of hospital care for patients with acute physical illness who have co-existing dementia. The Health Foundation. Case Study on the British Medical Association Patient Safety Website
Rosvik J, Brooker D, Mjorud M, Kirkevold O. (2013) What is person-centred care in dementia? Clinical review into practice: the development of the VIPS practice model. Reviews in Clinical Gerontology, 23: 155–163.
De Vries, K., Brooker, D. & Smith P. (2012) Dementia Skills and Competencies for Primary Care Liaison: a model for improving identification and timely diagnosis. Primary Health Care Research and Development, November, 1-10
Suzuki M, Mizuno Y, Brooker D, Ooshiro, H. & Kanamori M (2012) How quality of life indicators reflect the behaviours of people with dementia on dementia care mapping and the relationship between well-being, ill-being and the behaviour category code. Japanese Journal of Geriatrics, 49, 3, 355- 366(Article in Japanese with English Abstract)
Brooker, D. (2012) Understanding Dementia and the Person behind the Diagnostic Label. International Journal of Person Centered Medicine, Volume 2, 1; 11-17
Corbett, A., Stevens, J., Aarsland, D., Day, S., Moniz Cook, E., Woods, R., Brooker, D. & Ballard, C., (2011) Systematic review of services providing information and/or advice to people with dementia and/ or their carers, International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 27. 6. 628-36
Rosvik J . , Kirkevold M. , Engedal K. , Brooker D. & Kirkevold Ø. (2011) A model for using the VIPS framework for person-centred care for persons with dementia in nursing homes: a qualitative evaluative study. International Journal of Older People Nursing 6, 227–236 doi: 10.1111/j.1748-3743.2011.00290.x
Suzuki M, Mizuno Y, Sakamot R, Tsuya M, Maruta R, Oku Y, Tokita Y, Kanamori M, Brooker D, (2011) Efficacy of the developmental evaluation intervention of Dementia Care Mapping (DCM) aiming at implementing Person- Centred Care, Journal of Japanese Society for Dementia Care, 3, 3, 356-368. (Article in Japanese with English Abstract)
Brooker D., Argyle, E., Clancy, D. & Scally A. (2011) Enriched Opportunities Programme: A cluster randomised controlled trial of a new approach to living with dementia and other mental health issues in ExtraCare housing schemes and villages. Aging and Mental Health. 15 (8); 1008-1017
Douglas, C., Keddie, A., Brooker, D. & Surr, C. (2010) Cross-cultural Comparison of the Perceptions and Experiences of Dementia Care Mapping (DCM) “Mappers” in the U.S. and U.K. Journal of Aging and Health 22(5) 567– 588
Brooker D., Argyle, E. & Clancy, D.(2009) Mental Health Needs of people living in extra care housing. Journal of Care Services Management, 3(3); 295-309
Brooker D (2008) What makes a life worth living? Aging and Mental Health. 12 (5): 525-527
Woolley, R. J., Young, J. B., Green, J. R., Brooker, D. J. (2008) The feasibility of care mapping to improve care for physically ill older people in hospital. Age and Ageing. 37:390-395.
Suzuki, M., Mizuno, Y., Brooker, D., Sakamoto, R., Uchida, A.,Greiner, C., Ooshiro, H. and Kanamori, M. A Behavioral Evaluation Tool for the Quality of Life for Elderly Persons with Dementia: Reliability and Validity of Dementia Care Mapping – Japanese version. (2008) Journal of Geriatric Medicine, 45(1),68-76 (Japanese)
Suzuki M, Mizuno Y, Brooker D, Sumigaki C, Sakamoto R, Uchida A, Greiner C, Ooshiro H, Kanamori M. Nihon Ronen Igakkai Zasshi. (2008) Dementia Care Mapping-Japanese version(DCM-J) as a research evaluation method for measuring quality of life among elderly patients with dementia: reliability and validity of Well-being and Ill-being value, Japanese Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 45(1):68-76( Japanese)
Brooker, D. & Woolley, R. (2007) Enriching Opportunities for People living with Dementia: The Development of a Blueprint for a Sustainable Activity-Based Model of Care. Aging and Mental Health, 11(4): 371-383
Brooker, D., Woolley, R. & Lee, D. (2007) Enriching Opportunities for People living with Dementia in Nursing Homes: An evaluation of a multi-level activity-based model of care. Aging and Mental Health 11(4): 361-370
Sloane, P., Brooker D. , Cohen, L., Douglass, C., Edelman, P., Fulton, B.R., Jarrott, S., Kasayka, R., Kuhn, D., Preisser, J.S., Williams, C.S. & Zimmerman, S. (2007) Dementia Care Mapping as a Research Instrument. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 22. 580-599.
Brooker, D. (2006) Dementia Care Mapping. Vision general y resumen de la bibliografia de investigacion. Alzheimer: Realidades e investigacion en Demencia, 33 may/augusto. 5-10.
Brooker, D. & Surr, C. (2006) Dementia Care Mapping (DCM): Initial validation of DCM 8 in UK field trials. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 21. 1018-1025 .
Suzuki, M., Brooker, D., Mizuno, Y., Uchida, A., Greiner, C. and Hibino, C. (2006) Research trends and issues recognized by nurses regarding person-centred care and Dementia Care Mapping (DCM). Japanese Journal of Nursing Research. 39 (4): 15-30. (article published in Japanese).
Brooker, D. (2005) Dementia Care Mapping (DCM): A Review of the research literature. The Gerontologist (special edition on quality of life and dementia). 45 (1). 11-18.
Brooker, D. (2004) What is Person Centred Care for people with dementia? Reviews in Clinical Gerontology 13 (3). 215-222.
Brooker, DJR & Duce, L. (2000) Well-being and activity in dementia: A comparison of group Reminiscence Therapy, Structured Goal-directed Group Activity and Unstructured Time. Aging and Mental Health, 4, 354-358.
Brooker, D.J.R. and Dinshaw, C.J. (1998) A comparison of staff and patient feedback on mental health services for older people. Quality in Health Care, 7, 70-76.
Brooker, D.J.R., Foster, N., Banner, A., Payne, M. and Jackson, L. (1998) The efficacy of Dementia Care Mapping as an audit tool: Report of a three-year British NHS evaluation. Ageing and Mental Health, 2, 60-70.
Brooker, D.J.R., Snape, M., Johnson, E., Ward, D & Payne, M. (1997) Single case evaluation of aromatherapy and massage on disturbed behaviour in severe dementia. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 36, 287-296.
Sturmey, P., Cash, J., & Brooker D.J.R. (1996) The effects of room management and small group procedures on the behaviour of older adults who have Alzheimer’s disease. Behavioural Interventions: Theory and Practice.10, 310-314.
Brooker, D.J.R. (1995) Looking at them, looking at me: A review of observational studies into the quality of institutional care for elderly people with dementia. Journal of Mental Health, 4, 145-156.
Brooker, D.J.R., Sturmey, P., Gatherer, A.J.H. and Summerbell C. (1993) The Behavioural Assessment Scale of Later Life (BASOLL): Factor analysis, scale development, validity and reliability data for a new scale for older adults. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 8, 747 - 754.
Powell, T., Brooker, D.J.R. and Papadopoulos, A. (1993) Test -retest reliability of the Middlesex Elderly Assessment of Mental State (MEAMS). A preliminary investigation in people with probable dementia. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 32, 224 - 226.
Practice Publications
Brooker, D. (2021) From punk psychologist to MBE. Psychology of Older People: The FPOP Bulletin: The Professors’ Edition, 156, October, 29-31
Frost, F., Bray, J., Brooker, D. & Mumford, S. (2021). What should we wear to care? An exploratory study. Journal of Dementia Care, 29(6), 24-27
Morton, T., Brooker, D., Wong, G., Atkinson, T & Evans, S.B. (2021) Keeping community groups and activities going - Sustainable Community Interventions for people affected by Dementia: Recommendations for practice from the SCI-Dem Project. University of Worcester ISBN 978-0-903607-33-9
Morton, T., Brooker, D., Wong, G., Atkinson, T. & Evans, S.B. (2021) Sustaining community groups and activities for people affected by dementia: Recommendations from the SCI-Dem Project for commissioners and policy-makers. University of Worcester ISBN 978-0-903607-34-6
Morton, T., Brooker, D., Wong, G., Atkinson, T. & Evans, S.B. (2021) Helping your community group or activity club to keep going strong: Suggestions for members of groups and clubs from the SCI-Dem Review. University of Worcester ISBN 978-0-903607-35-3
Maddocks, C., Brooker D., Salomon, T., Latham., I and Mumford, S. (2021) JDC Asks: What has mattered for people living with dementia in the time of Covid-19? What have been the tests (and possibly triumphs) of such an unexpected year? Journal of Dementia Care 29, (1), 12-13
Brooker D. & Latham, (2020) Restraint in Dementia Care. Journal of Dementia Care
Brooker D. (2019) JDC Asks: Brexit what will be the major challenge facing dementia care. Journal of Dementia Care 27, (5), 10
Latham, I. & Brooker, D. (2017) Reducing anti-psychotic prescribing for care home residents living with dementia: learning from the FITS into Practice approach, (Focussed Intervention, Training and Support). Nurse Prescribing 15 (10)
Brooker D. (2015) Priorities for the next National Dementia Strategy. Journal of Dementia Care 23, (2), 7
Jutlla, K. Parsons, M. Coaten, R. Gardiner, L. Brooker, D. (2013). Capturing progress in creative arts and dementia. Journal of Dementia Care. Vol. 21, No.1, pp. 26-28.
Brooker D. (2011).A note on person-centred care and use of the term BPSD.Journal of Dementia Care, 19 (5 September/October): 37
Brooker D. (2009) Vision for centre of excellence. Journal of Dementia Care, 17 (6): 9.
Brooker D. (2009) Ambitious study of complex interventions. Journal of Dementia Care, 17 (3): 37-39.
Brooker, D., May H., Walton, S., Francis, D. & Murray, A. (2007) Introducing SOFI: A new tool for inspection of care homes (Short Observation Framework for Inspection) Journal of Dementia Care, 15 (4): 22-23
Surr, C., Brooker, D., & Edwards, P. (2006) Dementia Care Mapping update: DCM 8 is ready for action. Journal of Dementia Care, 14 (1). 17-19.
Wiles, A & Brooker,D. (2003) Complementary Therapies in Dementia Care. Journal of Dementia Care (Research Focus). 11 (3). 31-36.
Brooker, D. (2002) Dementia Care Mapping: a look at its past, present and future. Journal of Dementia Care. (Research Focus) 10(3), 35-36.
Surr, C. and Brooker, D. (2002) The effects of undertaking a DCM training course on care practice. Signpost. 7 (2), 16-18.
Brooker, D. (2001) Enriching Lives: evaluation of the ExtraCare Activity Challenge. Journal of Dementia Care. (Research Focus) 9 (3), 33-37.
Brooker, D.J.R. (1999) Dementia Care Mapping and Engagement combined to audit care quality. Journal of Dementia Care, (Research Focus) 3, 33-36.
Brooker, D.J.R. (1997) Issues in user feedback on health services for elderly people. British Journal of Nursing, 6, 159-162.
Snape, M. & Brooker, D.J.R. (1994) Research in the real world: Considerations when working as part of a multidisciplinary team in an older adult setting. PSIGE Newsletter 51, 25-27.
Brooker, D.J.R. (1994) Quality Assurance - Lessons learnt about putting it into practice. PSIGE Newsletter, 48, 37 - 41.
Brooker, D.J.R. & Payne M. (1994) Auditing outcome of care in inpatient and day patient settings using Dementia Care Mapping. Can it be done? A preliminary report. PSIGE Newsletter 51, 18-22.
Brooker, D., Lillyman, S. & Bruce, M. (2022) Nursing and Health Dementia Care Survival Guide, second edition. Routledge.
Kitwood, T. and Brooker, D. (Editor) (2019). Dementia Reconsidered, Revisited: The person still comes first. London, Open University Press
Brooker, D. & Latham, I. (2016) Person Centred Dementia Care 2nd Edition: Making services better with the VIPS framework. London, Jessica Kingsley Publications
Brooker, D., Milosevic, S. & Yemm, H. (2015). Guidance for NHS continuing healthcare assessors: Evaluating emotional and psychological needs for people in the later stages of dementia, London, Alzheimer’s Society.
Brooker, D & Lillyman S (2013) Survival Guide to Dementia, Harlow, Pearson Education Limited
May, H., Edwards, P. and Brooker, D. (2011). Professionelle Pflegeprozess-planung: Personzentrierte Pflegeplanung fur Menschen mit Demenz. Bern: Verlag Hans Huber
Brooker, D. (2010) Person Centred Dementia Care: Making services better Published in Japanese
May, H., Edwards, P. and Brooker, D. (2009). Enriched Care Planning for People with Dementia: A Good Practice Guide to Delivering Person-Centred Care. London, Jessica Kingsley Publications
Brooker, D. (2008) Person-zentriert pflegen: Das VIPS-Modell zur Plfege und Betreuung von Menschen mit einer Demenz ( Deutschsprachige Ausgabe herausgegeben von Christian Muller-Hergl und Detlef Rusing). Bern: Verlag Hans Huber
Brooker, D. (2007) Person Centred Dementia Care: Making services better London, Jessica Kingsley Publications
Brooker, D & Surr, C.A.(2005) Dementia Care mapping: Principles and Practice. Pages 155, University of Bradford.
Brooker D, Edwards P, and Benson S. (2004) (Eds) DCM Experience and Insights into Practice, 122 pages, London: Hawker Publications.
Brooker, D.J.R. (1997) The BASOLL The Behavioural Assessment Scale of Later Life. 30 pages. Bicester, Winslow Press.
Gerritsen, D., van der Roest, H., Evans, S.B., Leontjevas, R., Prins, M., Brooker, D. & Dröes, R.M (2022) Chapter 13: The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the well-being of people living with dementia. In M. vanden Bulcke and E. Schokkaert (Eds) Dementia & Society: Cambridge University Press
Brooker, D. (2020) Person-centred Care. In F. Richards and B.Coope (Eds) ABC of Dementia 2nd Edition. Chichester: Wiley Blackwell
Brooker, D. (2019) ‘Personhood maintained: Commentary’, in Kitwood, T. and Brooker, D. (ed.) Dementia Reconsidered, Revisited: The person still comes first. London: Open University Press, pp 78-82
Brooker, D. & Kevern, P. (2019). Spiritual Care in the presence of dementia. In Fletcher, J. (Ed) Spiritual Care in a Mental Health Setting. Jessica Kingsley Publications, London.
Brooker, D. & Snaedal, J. (2016). Dementia. pp 309-323. In Mezzich, J., Botbol, M., Christodoulou, G., Cloninger, C.R., Salloum, I. (Eds.), Person Centered Psychiatry. Springer
Brooker, D. & Surr, C.(2016). Person-centred care and Dementia Care Mapping. In N.A. Pachana (ed.), Encyclopedia of Geropsychology Springer Science+Business Media Singapore DOI 10.1007/978-981-287-080-3_93-1.
Fossey, J. & Brooker, D. (2016) Improving skilled care means less medication. In Making the Case for the Social Sciences. Academy of Social Science
Brooker, D. (2014) Person-centred care. In B.Coope and F. Richards (Eds) ABC of Dementia BMJ Books. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons.
Brooker, D. (2013) Making a care home person-centred. In R.Hawkins (Ed) Not another care handbook: Pearls of wisdom for care managers. London, Hawker Publications.
Brooker, D. (2011) Good Practice Inside. In T. Dening and A. Milne (Eds) Mental health and Care Homes. Oxford, Oxford University Press.
Brooker, D. (2010) Dementia Care Mapping. In M.M. Abou-Saleh, C.L.E. Katona and A. Kumar (Eds) Principles and Practice of Geriatric Psychiatry, 3rd Edition. Chichester, John Wiley & sons ISBN is 9780470747230
Brooker, D.(2009) What is person centred care in dementia?; In J. Reynolds, R.Muston, T. Heller, J Leach, M. McCormick, J. Wallcraft & M.Walsh (Eds) Mental Health Still Matters. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan.
Brooker, D. (2008) Quality: The perspective of the person with dementia. In M.Downs & B. Bowers (Eds) Excellence in Dementia Care; Research into Practice; Open University Press.
Brooker, D. (2008) Intervening at the Care Team Level; In R. Woods & L.Clare (Eds) Handbook of the Clinical Psychology of Ageing 2nd Edition. Chichester: Wiley
Brooker, D.(2008) Person Centred Care; In R. Jacoby, T.Dening & A. Thomas (Eds) Psychiatry in the Elderly 4th Edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Baker, C & Brooker D (2007) The Community Mental Health Nurse in the Care Home Sector: Issues of Assessment and Intervention. In J.Keady, C.Clarke & S.Page (Eds) Community Psychiatric Nursing and older people
Downs, M., Brooker, D. & Bruce, E. (2005) The practice of dementia care: UK: In A.Burns (Ed) Standards in Dementia Care: European Dementia Consensus Network (EDCON). Pp 13-19. London, Taylor and Francis.
Brooker, D. (2005) DCM: The Next Generation: In G. Kreutzner (Ed) Focus on Quality of Life/Quality of Care. Pages 134-145, Stuttgart, Demenz Support Stuttgart.
Brooker, D. (2004) Introduction: Celebration, validation and recognition. In D. Brooker , P. Edwards, and S. Benson (Eds) DCM Experience and Insights into Practice, pp 9-10, London: Hawker Publications.
Brooker, D. (2004) What is DCM? In D. Brooker , P. Edwards, and S. Benson (Eds) DCM Experience and Insights into Practice, pp 11-15, London: Hawker Publications.
Brooker, D. (2004) A look at DCM’s past, present and future. In D. Brooker , P. Edwards, and S. Benson (Eds) DCM Experience and Insights into Practice, pp23-27, London: Hawker Publications.
Brooker, D. (2004) An evaluation of the ExtraCare activity challenge. In D. Brooker , P. Edwards, and S. Benson (Eds) DCM Experience and Insights into Practice, pp 85-89, London: Hawker Publications.
Brooker, D. (2003) Maintaining Quality in Dementia Care Practice. In T.Adams & J. Manthorpe (Eds) Dementia Care pp 240-255, London, Arnold.
Brooker, D. (2003) Future Challenges for DCM. In A.Innes (Ed) Dementia Care Mapping: Applications Across Cultures pp147-154, Baltimore, Health Professions Press.
Brooker, D. (2002) Enriching Lives: Evaluation of the ExtraCare Activity Challenge. In S.Benson (Ed) Dementia Topics for the Millennium and Beyond pp 119-123, London, Hawker Publications Ltd. London.
Brooker, D.J.R. (2001) Working with People with Dementia: Therapies and Activities. In C. Cantley (Ed.) A Handbook of Dementia Care pp146-159, Buckingham, Open University Press.
Brooker, D.J.R. The Quality of Formal Care Services for People with Dementia. (2000) In G. Corley (Ed.) Elderly People and their Needs: A multidisciplinary perspective pp 178-193, London. Whurr Publications.
Research Reports
British Psychological Society (2016) Psychological dimensions of dementia: Putting the person at the centre of care. Recommendations from the Dementia Advisory Group (Brooker membership)
La Fontaine, J., Jutlla, K., Read, K., Brooker, D. & Evans S.C. (2016) The experiences, needsand outcomes for carers of people with dementia: Literature Review. RSAS. University of Worcester
Carter, C., Read, K., Bray, J., Dutton, G. & Brooker, D. (2016) The Admiral nurse Competency Framework: A Resource for Practice Report. University of Worcester
Erol, R., Brooker, D. & Peel, E. (2015) Women and dementia: A review of the research literature. London. Alzheimer’s Disease International
Brooker, D., Latham, I., Jacobson, N., Perry, W. & Evans, S. (2014) “FITS into Practice” Developing Dementia Specialist Care Homes Summary Report. University of Worcester
Brooker, D., Milosevic, S, Evans, S., Carter, C., Bruce, M., & Thompson, R. (2014) RCN Development Programme: Transforming Dementia Care in Hospitals Evaluation Summary Report. University of Worcester
Brooker, D., Latham, I., Bowes, A., Kelly, F., Burns, D. & Killett, A (2013) What makes a real difference to resident experience? Digging deep into care home culture: The CHOICE (Care Homes Organisations Implementing Cultures of Excellence) Dissemination report.
Killett, A., Bowes, A., Brooker, D., Burns, D., Kelly, F., La Fontaine, J., Latham, I., O’Neill, M., Poland, F., Wilson, M. (2013) What makes a real difference to resident experience? Digging deep into care home culture: The CHOICE (Care Homes Organisations Implementing Cultures of Excellence) research report. Report to NIHR PRP 025/0064
Brooker, D., La Fontaine, J., de Vries, K.,Porter, T. & Surr, C. (2011). How can I tell you what’s going on here? The Development of PIECE-dem: An observational framework focussing on the perspective of residents with advanced dementia living in care homes: Part of the PANICOA research programme.
de Vries, K., Brooker, D., & Bray, J. (2011). Training and education programmes on dementia and end of life care in the context of the West Midlands Clinical Pathway Group (Darzi) Dementia Pathway. Association for Dementia Studies, Institute of Health and Society, University of Worcester, UK.
de Vries, K., Brooker, D., & Porter, T. (2010). Workforce Development for Dementia: Development of role, competencies and proposed training for; “Primary Care Liaison Worker” to support pathway to diagnosis of dementia. Association for Dementia Studies, Institute of Health and Society, University of Worcester, UK.
de Vries, K., La Fontaine, J., & Brooker, D. (2010). Review of Literature: Information and Education Needs of People with Dementia and Their Family Caregivers. Association for Dementia Studies, Institute of Health and Society University of Worcester, UK.
British Standards Institute (2010) PAS 800:2010 Use of Dementia Care Mapping for person-centred care in a care provider organization – Guide. BSI, London (Dawn Brooker lead technical author)
Brooker D., Argyle, E., Clancy, D. & Scally A. (2009) Enriched Opportunities Programme: A cluster randomised controlled trial of a new approach to living with dementia and other mental health issues in ExtraCare housing schemes and villages. University of Bradford.
Commission for Social Care Inspection –CSCI (2008) See me, not just the dementia: Understanding peoples’ experiences of living in a care home. London. CSCI (Dawn Brooker, lead technical author)
Brooker, D & Woolley, R.J. (2006) Enriching Opportunities; Unlocking Potential, Searching for keys: Summary of Development and Evaluation Pages 30, University of Bradford.
Godfrey, M., Surr, C., Boyle, G. Townsend, G. & Brooker, D. (2005) Prevention and Service Provision: Mental Health Problems in Later Life. London; Mental Health Foundation. Pages 433.
Brooker, D & Woolley, R.J. (2005) Enriching Opportunities for people with dementia in specialist Nursing Homes: Unlocking potential, searching for keys. Pages 250, University of Bradford.
Brooker, D & Woolley, R.J. (2005) Enriching Opportunities for people with dementia in Extra Care Housing: Unlocking potential, searching for keys. Pages 198.University of Bradford.
Brooker, D & Woolley, R.J. (2002) (Eds) The Enriched Activities Project; Expert Working Group Summary and Transcripts. Pages 130.University of Bradford.
Brooker, D. & Rogers, L. (Eds.) (2001) DCM Think Tank Transcripts 2001. University of Bradford. 2001
Brooker, D. & Traynor, V. (2000) An Evaluation of the Impact of the Calvert Trust Activity Holiday Experience on Extra Care Residents with Dementia. Pages 45,Oxford Dementia Centre, Oxford Brookes University.
Invited Keynote Addresses and Conference Chairs
Brooker, D. (January 2022) Meeting Centres for people, families and communities affected by dementia. Neuraclin 2022 Conference, University of Durham. Online keynote presentation. 260 mixed professionals
Brooker, D. (2021) Panel member. Dementia housing and care. Housing 21 Annual Conference, Birmingham
Brooker, D. & Latham, I. (November 2021) Understanding Distressed behaviour in Dementia: The Person come First. Positive Centre on Ageing Annual Conference. The Jockey Club of Hong Kong. Online keynote presentation. 60 mixed professionals
Brooker, D. (September 2021) Everything Changes and Everything Stays the Same. Admiral Nurse National Forum on-line keynote presentation. 250 Admiral Nurses
Brooker, D. (September, 2020) Person-Centred Dementia Care Programmes: Effective Implementation in a Range of Service Contexts. Dementia Australia National Symposium Series 2020: Dementia Australia on-line keynote presentation. 1,100 mixed professionals
Brooker, D. (March, 2020) Person-Centred Dementia Care Programmes: Effective Implementation in a Range of Service Context. Dementia 2020: Delivering Person-Centred, Outcome Focused Dementia, organised by Government Events, London UK 300 mixed professionals
Brooker, D. (November 2019) New perspectives in Person-Centres Dementia Care. St Andrews Health Care, St Andrews Hospital, Northampton, UK 100 professionals
Brooker, D. (July 2019) Shifting Stereotypes in Dementia Care. BPS Faculty of Psychology for Older People Annual Conference. Southport, UK 300 professional psychologists and researchers
Brooker, D. (May 2019) Implementing Person-centred care. Danish Dementia Days Annual Conference. Copenhagen, Denmark 1000 professionals and researchers
Brooker, D. (November, 2018) Person-centred care for those living with dementia: Reflections from Theory, Research and Practice. EMDA Alzheimer’s Association of Israel 30th Anniversary Conference, Tel Aviv, Israel (500 professional’s mixed)
Brooker, D. (November, 2018) Dementia Reconsidered, Revisited: Tom Kitwood Memorial Address. UK Dementia Congress, Brighton, UK (300 professional’s mixed)
Brooker, D. (October, 2018) Person-centred care: from theory to practice Flemish Reference Framework For Quality Of Life And Quality Of Care For People With Dementia, Brussels, Belgium 300 professionals and researchers
Brooker, D., (July, 2018) Person- centred care: are we there yet? Implementing the NICE Guidelines for Dementia National Conference. London, UK. 100 health care professionals,
Brooker, D., (June, 2018) There is no us and them. There’s only us: Reflections on supporting people living with dementia post-diagnosis. BestCare4Dem. Amsterdam, Netherlands. 300 professionals, researchers and people directly affected by dementia – international group.
Brooker, D. (March 2018) Leading an Applied Research Centre that Makes a Difference to Dementia Care. British Embassy UK-Japan Seminar on dementia care research Tokyo, Japan 150 professionals , researchers and practice
Brooker, D. (January 2018) The Development, Implementation and Evaluation of the Dutch Meeting Centre Support Programme in the UK, Italy and Poland Shifting Paradigms for Dementia. Scottish Universities Conference. East Lothian. Scotland (100 people. 30 academics and professionals/70 people directly affected by dementia)*
Brooker, D., (October, 2017) There is no us and them. There’s only us: Reflections on supporting people living with dementia post-diagnosis. Alzheimer's Australia 17th National Dementia Conference, Melbourne, Australia
Brooker, D. (September, 2017) The Enriched Opportunities Programme Revisited ExtraCare Charitable Trust Conference, Coventry, UK
Brooker, D., (July, 2017) There is no us and them. There’s only us: Reflections on supporting people living with dementia post-diagnosis. British Society of Gerontology 46th Annual Conference. Swansea, UK
Brooker, D., (June, 2017) Maintaining Dignity and Quality of Life for Elderly Persons with dementia until the End of Life through Person-Centred Care. 22nd Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Academy of Gerontological Nursing. Nagoya, Japan
Brooker, D., (June, 2017) Organizational Culture and Person-Centred Dementia Care. Japanese Society of Person Centred Dementia Care Conference. Tokyo, Japan
Brooker, D. (April, 2016). Person Centred Dementia Care and the Arts: A natural partnership?
Fifth Annual Creative Dementia Arts Conference, Oxford, UK
Brooker, D. (April, 2016) The National Resource Centre for Carers; Expert Working Group . Royal Surgical Aid Society, Bristol, UK
Brooker, D. (April, 2016) Meeting Centres – Research into Practice. Dementia 2020: Transforming Care, Support and Research, Church House, London, UK
Brooker, D. (March, 2016) FITS Into practice. Dementia Care Research Roundtable. House of Commons, London, UK
Brooker, D. (March, 2016) Meeting Centres – a European model Medicine and Me. Living Well with Dementia, Royal Society of Medicine, London, UK
Brooker, D. (March, 2016) Meeting Centres – a European model of doing things together ‘Normal and Informal community based approaches to supporting interdependent caring relationships’ Porthcawl, CADR, UK
Brooker, D. (February, 2016) Person-centred dementia care, DEMENTIAS 2016; The 18th National Conference of Hospital Medicine; Royal College of GP’s London, UK
Brooker, D. (February, 2016) Chair Worcestershire Dementia Action Alliance Workshop. Worcester, UK
Brooker, D. (February, 2016) Chair West Midlands Reminiscence Workshop. Worcester, UK
Brooker, D. (June, 2015) Leadership in person-centred dementia care in Hospitals; The Dignity in Care Conference, University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Trust, Birmingham, UK
Brooker, D. & Erol, R. (June, 2015) Women and dementia; The hidden voices in care. The Alzheimer’s Show, London, UK
Brooker, D. (April, 2015) Leadership in Dementia in Hospitals. West of England Academic Health Science Network, Bath,UK
Brooker, D. (April, 2015) Person-centred dementia care. Birmingham City University Nursing Conference, Birmingham,UK
Brooker, D. (March, 2015) Person-centred dementia care. Royal College of Nursing West Midlands Event, Birmingham,UK
Brooker, D. (November, 2014) Implementing and sustaining person centred care for people living with dementia. V CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL DE BIOÉTICA, Barcelona, Spain
Brooker, D. (November, 2014) Capturing compassions from the patient’s perspective using observation, A Celebrating Care and Compassion: Inaugural "Sit & See" Conference, Reigate,UK
Brooker, D: (October, 2014) Taking a VIPS Approach to Supporting People at Home, The ME in Dementia Alzheimer’s Western Australia Community Programme. Perth, Australia
Brooker, D: (September, 2014) Person Centred Leadership. The Dementia Showcase, Brighton, UK
Brooker, D: (July, 2014) The FITS into Practice research report. Alzheimer’s Society Annual Research Conference, Nottingham, UK
Brooker, D: (June, 2014) Understanding person centred Dementia Care Living well with dementia programme for GP’s, Hereford, UK
Brooker, D: (May, 2014) Report of the evaluation for the RCN dementia care leadership programme. Royal College of Nursing, London, UK
Brooker, D: (May, 2014) Research and practice in person centred dementia care. The Danish Dementia Research Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark
Brooker, D: (April, 2014) Supporting People to Live well with Dementia. The Aalborg University Music Therapy conference, Aalborg, Denmark
Brooker, D: (April, 2014) Supporting People to Live well with Dementia. The Dementia Challenge Conference, London, UK
Brooker, D: (September 2013) Person centred dementia care. Living well with Dementia Conference, Warwickshire County Council, Warwick, UK
Brooker, D: (July 2013) Person centred dementia care in acute hospitals. National Audit of Dementia, Royal College of Psychiatry, London, UK
Brooker, D. Saad, K. & Wimo, A. (November 2012) ALCOVE: Report on Timely Diagnosis, Ministerial Symposium, Paris, France
Brooker D. (December, 2012). Good practice in Acute Hospitals Dementia Care. Robert Bosch Foundation Conference, Berlin, Germany
Brooker, D. (October, 2012) Bridging the gap – Good dementia care, a question of leadership? First Scandinavian Dementia Centres Conference (Denmark, Norway & Sweden), Copenhagen, Denmark
Brooker, D. (May, 2012) Implementing and sustaining person centred care for people living with dementia Japanese Society for Dementia Care Annual Conference, Hamamatsu, Japan
Brooker, D. (January, 2012) Implementing and sustaining person centred care for people living with dementia Person Centre care Association, Barcelona, Spain.
Brooker, D. (October, 2011), The shift from disease to person: The importance of person centred care for people living with dementia Second Dementia SA Conference, Cape Town, South Africa
Brooker, D. (September 2011), Person-centred dementia care in care homes and hospitals: Old hats and new brooms, Annual International Psychogeriatric Association Conference The Hague, Netherlands
Brooker, D. (May, 2011), Understanding Dementia and the Person behind the disease Fourth Geneva Conference on Person Centred Medicine, Geneva, Switzerland
Brooker D. (October 2010) The Enriched Opportunities Programme: International Ageing Conference CISE; Fundacao D. Pedro IV; Lisbon, Portugal
Brooker D. (February 2010) The VIPS Model and the importance of Lifestory work: National Life Story Conference. Leeds, UK
Brooker D. (December 2009) Person centred care. XVth National Conference of Alzheimer’s and Related Disorders Society of India (ARDSI). Kolkata, India.
Brooker D. (November, 2009) Person-centred dementia care in acute hospitals: Wolverhampton Royal Hospitals NHS Trust Launch Event. Wolverhampton, UK
Brooker D. (November, 2009) Person-centred dementia care: The Cornish Challenge. RESEC Cornwall Annual Lecture. Truro, UK
Brooker D. (October 2009) Using Dementia care mapping in dementia care intervention research. Research into non-pharmacological research in dementia. Norwegian Research `Council. Oslo, Norway.
Brooker D. (June 2009) Person Centred Care: Are you serious? Alzheimer's Australia National Conference, Adelaide, Australia
Brooker D. (May 2009) Look closer, See me not just the dementia: Inspecting for better practice in care homes. Sonas aPc Person Centred Communication in Dementia Conference, Dublin, Ireland.
Invited Conference Presentations
Brooker, D. (November 2023) How can books change the world of dementia care and support? UK Dementia Congress, Birmingham
Brooker, D. (2022) Dementia Meeting Centres - everything you need to know. Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board webinar, online
Brooker, D. (2022) What vehicles exist for delivering post-diagnostic interventions? What psychosocial interventions can we consider? World Dementia Council Summit 2022 - Looking to the future: The dementia landscape, London
Brooker, D. (2022) Understanding distressed behaviour of people with dementia through person-centred care approach - the person comes first. Jockey Club Centre for Positive Ageing: Understanding the Distressed Behaviour of People with Dementia in Hong Kong, online
Brooker, D. (2021) Meeting Centres. National Dementia Strategy Implementation and Monitoring - Scottish Parliamentary Group, online
Brooker, D. (October 2021) What needs to change in providing housing for people living with dementia? Housing 21 Annual Conference. Birmingham 150 mixed professionals
Brooker, D. (July 2021) Get Real with Dementia Meeting Centres RfSC Award Holder’s Event NIHR. Online 60 researchers
Brooker, D. (November, 2020) Dementia in the Time of Covid. Tales of the Unexpected UK Dementia Congress. Online 400 mixed professionals and people affected by dementia
Brooker, D. (February, 2020) Building strength between academia and the users of dementia care research, Dementia Care Research Summit (Alzheimer’s Society, NIHR, ESRC, UKRI) Leeds, UK 100 academics, funders and clinicians, 400 online
Brooker, D. (October, 2018) The Meeting Centre Support Programme UK: Evidence-Based, Local Support For People And Families Living With Dementia 9th National Memory Services Forum, The Royal College of Psychiatrists, London, UK 150 health care professionals
Brooker, D (March 2018) Reflections on Research with people living with advanced dementia. Dementia Research: Past, Present and Future. Bangor University, Wales 50 health care professionals
Brooker, D. (March 2018) Adaptive implementation of the Meeting Centres Support Programme. UK-Japan Seminar on Dementia Friendly Japan Initiatives. Tokyo, Japan 50 health care professionals
Brooker, D. (March 2018) Innovation in Dementia Care: Adaptive implementation of the Namaste Care for people living with advanced dementia. Nikkei/FT Japan-UK Dementia Conference. Tokyo, Japan
Brooker, D. & Davis. S. (October, 2017) Care fit for VIPS: Preconference Workshop Alzheimer's Australia 17th National Dementia Conference, Melbourne, Australia
Brooker, D. (October, 2017) The implementation and evaluation of MCSP in three European countries. Alzheimer's Australia 17th National Dementia Conference, Melbourne, Australia
Brooker, D: (April, 2016) Supporting Care Workers to deliver psychological interventions: The FITS into Practice Programme. British Psychological Society Annual Conference, Nottingham, UK
Brooker, D: (April, 2016) Women & Dementia; An international literature Review. The Alzheimer’s Disease International Conference. Budapest, Hungary
Brooker, D: (May, 2015) Maintaining personhood in advanced dementia through understandings of identity, Beyond Boundaries: Exploring Psychologies of Ageing, BPS Research Seminar Series, Worcester, UK
Brooker, D: (April, 2015) Global Action on Personhood in Dementia, The Alzheimer’s Disease International Conference. Perth, Australia
Brooker, D. (December 2014). Meeting Centres Support Programme: Report on UK experience, DAA Annual Conference, London UK
Brooker, D. (November, 2014) Scientific Aspects of Person Centred Care. G7 Dementia Legacy Event. Tokyo, Japan
Brooker, D. (November 2013). Arts & Dementia. Arts 4Dementia best Practice Seminar, Sadlers Wells, London UK
Brooker, D., Latham I. (July, 2013) Digging deep into care home culture: what makes a real difference to residents’ experience? Findings from the CHOICE (Care Home Organisations Implementing Cultures of Excellence) research project. UK Care Homes Congress, Birmingham, UK
Brooker, D., Killett, A. (March, 2013) Digging deep into care home culture: what makes a real difference to residents’ experience? Findings from the CHOICE (Care Home Organisations Implementing Cultures of Excellence) research project. Dementia Community at the Healthcare Innovation Expo, London, UK
Brooker, D: (February 2013) Informed consent and pre-diagnostic counselling. Faculty of the Psychology of Older People, Dementia Action Alliance Diagnosis Action Group, London, UK
Brooker, D. (November, 2012) This house believes we should switch resources from workforce training to investing in leadership. Conference opening debate opposition UK Dementia Congress, Brighton, UK
Brooker, D (March, 2012) Old hats and new brooms: bringing together person centred care and BPSD, Royal College of Psychiatrists: Faculty of Old Age Psychiatry Annual MeetingCardiff, UK
Brooker D (May 2011) Psycho-social therapeutic interventions for dementia: what’s new? Primary Care 2011, NEC Birmingham, UK
Brooker D (March 2010) Evidence-based practice and practice-based evidence in person-centred dementia care Journal of Dementia Care Conference, York, UK
Brooker D. (November, 2009) What works in dementia care: Expert panel 4th UK Dementia Congress, Harrogate, UK
Brooker D (September 2009) The Enriched Opportunities Programme for People with Dementia: the evidence base, Psychosocial Interventions in Dementia, Regents College, London, UK
Brooker D (July 2009) Understanding the experiences of people with dementia, Solihull Safeguarding Adults Annual Conference 2009, Solihull, UK
Brooker D (June 2009) Inspecting for better practice for people living with dementia in care homes Annual West Midlands Old Age Psychiatry Conference, Birmingham, UK
Brooker D (June 2009) The impact of the National Dementia Strategy on Inspecting for better practice for people living with dementia in care homes National Care Homes Congress, Birmingham, UK
Brooker D (April 2009) Evidence-based practice and practice-based evidence in person-centred dementia care Journal of Dementia Care Conference, University of Surrey, Guildford, UK
Refereed conference presentations
Brooker, D. (November, 2018) Meeting Centres Support Programme. An intervention to promote Social Health. The Gerontological Society of America's 70th Annual Scientific Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Brooker, D. Evans, SBE (November, 2018) Meeting Centres Support Programme in the UK. UK Dementia Congress, Brighton, UK
Brooker, D. Latham I. Jacobson, N., Bray, J. (May, 2018) Does Namaste Care provide a practical model for caring for people living with advanced dementia in UK care homes? Initial reflections from the Namaste Care Intervention UK Implementation project (poster). Alzheimer’s Society Annual Conference. London, UK
Brooker, D. (July, 2017) The implementation and evaluation of MCSP in three European countries. British Society of Gerontology 46th Annual Conference. Swansea, UK
Brooker, D. JACOBSON Nicola, PERRY Wendy, LATHAM Isabelle, EVANS Simon (October, 2014) FITS into Practice: The role of the Dementia Practice Development Coach and the Dementia Care Coach, UK Dementia Congress, Brighton, UK
Brooker, D. JACOBSON Nicola, PERRY Wendy, LATHAM Isabelle, EVANS Simon (October, 2014) FITS into Practice: The role of the Dementia Practice Development Coach and the Dementia Care Coach, Alzheimer Europe Conference, Glasgow, UK
DRÖES Rose-Marie, SzczeĹ›niak Dorota, Rymaszewska Joanna, Farina Elisabetta, Chattat Rabih, Evans Simon, Hendriks Iris, Brooker Dawn, Orrell Martin, Meiland Franka (October, 2014) MEETINGDEM; adaptive implementation and validation of the Meeting Centers Support Programme, Alzheimer Europe Conference, Glasgow, UK
Leperre Desplanques, A., Brooker, D., Gove, D., & Krolak-Salmon, P. (October 2013) Alzheimer Cooperative Valuation in Europe, ALCOVE Joint Action. Alzheimer Europe Conference, Malta
Brooker, D. (October, 2013) Evidence based recommendations for timely diagnosis of dementia: Benchmarking against the ALCOVE recommendations. Alzheimer Europe Conference, Malta
Brooker, D., Latham, I. (July, 2013) Digging deep into care home culture: what makes a real difference to residents’ experience? Findings from the CHOICE (Care Home Organisations Implementing Cultures of Excellence) research project. National Care Homes Congress, Birmingham, UK
Brooker, D., Latham, I. La Fontaine, J. (November,2012) Care Home Organisations Implementing Cultures of Excellence (CHOICE); the final study of the Comic Relief/Department for Health PANICOA research programme (Preventing Abuse and Neglect in Institutional Care of Older Adults). UK Dementia Congress, Brighton, UK
Bainbridge I., Brooker, D and White-Smith, Y (November,2012) The Benefits and Challenges of Developing Dementia Champions in Acute Hospital Settings: Early findings from the South-Central Dementia Programme UK Dementia Congress, Brighton, UK
Evans, S., Brooker, D., La Fontaine J. & Bray, J. Ashley, P. (November 2012) ALCOVE: Sharing knowledge to enlighten healthcare policies in Europe for People Living with Dementia and their Carers. UK Dementia Congress, Brighton, UK
Brooker D., Bray, J (October, 2012) Poster: Better outcomes for patients with dementia and acute medical conditions in general hospitals: The development of the Dementia Care Bundle at New Cross Hospital. Alzheimer Europe Conference, Vienna, Austria
Brooker, D (October,2012) Poster: Communicating well with people living with dementia and their families: Stand by me and Come into my world: DVD assisted training in skilling up practitioners across the dementia care pathway in UK and Australia. Alzheimer Europe Conference, Vienna, Austria
Evans, S., Brooker, D., La Fontaine J. & Bray, J. Ashley, P. (October, 2012) ALCOVE: Sharing knowledge to enlighten healthcare policies in Europe for People Living with Dementia and their Carers Emerging findings on early diagnosis. Alzheimer Europe Conference, Vienna, Austria
Evans, S., Brooker, D., La Fontaine J. & Bray, J (July 2012) ALCOVE: Sharing knowledge to enlighten healthcare policies in Europe for People Living with Dementia and their Carers. British Gerontological Society Annual Conference, Keele, UK
- Brooker, D. Leung , C. Etches, K. Bowley, P. Smith, G. Hampson, D. Upton , J. Willoughby, J. Bray. (March 2012) Better Outcomes For Patients With Dementia And Acute Conditions: Reach-Out Care Bundle. Alzheimer Disease International Conference, London, UK
- La Fontaine, D. J. Brooker (March,2012) How Can I Tell You What’s Going On Here? The Development Of Piece-Dem: An Observational Framework Focussing On The Experience Of Residents With Advanced Dementia Living In Care Homes. Alzheimer Disease International Conference, London, UK
- Brooker, E. Argyle, A. Scally, D. Clancy (March 2012) Poster The Enriched Opportunities Programme For People With Dementia: A Randomised Cluster Controlled Trial Of A Complex Psycho-Social Intervention To Deliver Person-Centred Care Alzheimer Disease International Conference, London, UK
- Brooker, A. Wotherspoon S. Macreavy, K. De Vries, C. Poole (March 2012) Poster
Communicating Well With People Living With Dementia And Their Families: Stand By Me And Come Into My World... Dvd Assisted Training In Skilling Up Practitioners Across The Dementia Care Pathway Alzheimer Disease International Conference, London, UK
- La Fontaine, D. Brooker, J. Bray, S. K. Milosevic (March 2012) Poster What Are Dementia Advisers And What Do They Do? A Qualitative Exploration Of The Experiences Of Dementia Advisers In Developing Their Role And Those Who Use Their Services In Worcestershire Alzheimer Disease International Conference, London, UK
Brooker D. (November, 2011) Stand by Me and Come into my world. 6th UK Dementia Congress, Liverpool, UK
Brooker D. et al (November, 2011) Acute hospital care for people with dementia symposium. 6th UK Dementia Congress, Liverpool, UK
La Fontaine, J & Brooker D (July,2011) How Can I Tell You What’s Going on Here? PIECE-dem, an observational process to assist our understanding of the care experience and its impact upon wellbeing for people living with advanced dementia in care homes. British Gerontological Society Annual Conference, Plymouth, UK
La Fontaine, J & Brooker D (June,2011) How Can I Tell You What’s Going on Here? PIECE-dem, an observational process to assist our understanding of the care experience and its impact upon wellbeing for people living with advanced dementia in care homes. UK Care Homes Congress, Birmingham, UK
Brooker D. (October, 2010) The Enriched Opportunities Programme Coming of Age Conference; Dementia Services Development Centre, London, UK
Brooker D. (November, 2009) The Enriched Opportunities Programme Symposium. 4th UK Dementia Congress, Harrogate, UK
Keddie, A., Douglass, C,. Brooker, D & Surr C (November 2009) A Comparison of Trained Staff Attitudes toward Dementia Care Mapping in the U.S. and U.K.The Gerontological Society of America's 62nd Annual Scientific Meeting, Atlanta, USA (poster)
Woolley, R. J., Young, J. B., Green, J. R., Brooker, D. J. (July 2009) The feasibility of care mapping on elderly care wards. 19th International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics World Congress. Published in the Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging. Paris, France. (Poster)
Woolley, R. J., Young, J. B., Green, J. R., Brooker, D. J. (July 2009) Does dementia care mapping adequately capture subjective reported patient experience in hospital? 19th International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics World Congress. Published in the Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging. Paris, France.