We take our sustainability responsibilities extremely seriously and have achieved high recognition as a result.

Sustainability Awards 

THE Impact Rankings 2024 logo

The Times Higher Education Impact Rankings

The University of Worcester has been ranked 1st in the UK for Quality Education in the latest rankings announced by the globally respected Times Higher Education, which highlights the contribution made by universities around the world to achieving the internationally agreed Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which the United Nations adopted in 2016. 

Green Gowns

The University was awarded two ‘Highly Commended’ in the Green Gown Awards 2023, one in the Nature Positive category, based around its initiatives to promote biodiversity, such as wildflower planting and the other in the Reporting with Influence category, which assesses how sustainability is reported. For more details please see our news article about the awards.

Green Gown Awards 2023 Highly Commended of the 2023 UK & Ireland Green Gown Awards




Sustainability Institution of the Year 2019 - Green Gown Winner

Green Gowns 2019 logo

The Green Gown Awards, run by the Environmental Association for Universities and Colleges (EAUC) recognise ‘exceptional sustainability initiatives’ in universities and colleges across the UK.

International Green Apple Awards for Environmental Best Practice 2023

The University won an International Green Apple in the Conservation and Wildlife Project Category for protecting and enhancing biodiversity at the University of Worcester for over a decade. The ceremony was held at the Houses of Parliament in London. For further details please visit our news article about the awards.

Woman sitting next to apple trophy

Sustainability Ranking

People & Planet University League

The University of Worcester has been awarded First Class Honours for environmental sustainability in the latest People & Planet national rankings. This is the 14th straight year that the University, one of Britain’s most sustainable, has earned First Class Honours.  People & Planet’s University League has placed the University ninth out of 151 UK institutions in its latest 2023/24 table.  The University scored 100% in 4 of the 4 categories.  The league, compiled annually by the UK student campaigning network, People & Planet, ranks universities by environmental and ethical performance.  They look at aspects including environmental policy, carbon management, how sustainably food is produced, how the University equips students with the knowledge and understanding of sustainability, energy sources, waste and recycling, and reduction of carbon and water use.  For further details please read our news article.

Bar chart showing the university's statistics
Sustainability achievements platinum for University of Worcester

EcoCampus Platinum

  • We were the first English University to achieve EcoCampus Platinum status in June 2010
  • We were also the second English University to gain ISO14001:2015 for all our campuses
  • We were re-audited in 2023


ISO50001 certificate for the University of Worcester for 2023

Energy Management System 

  • The University has been accredited with the ISO 50001:2018 Energy Management System covering all activities, products and services across the entire institution

  • The EnMS scope includes the University’s two major fuels type of natural gas and electricity. The accreditation is valid until October 2026


NUS Responsible Futures logo

Responsible Futures Accreditation

We achieved Responsible Futures accreditation from the NUS, in its inaugural year helping to develop the accreditation as one of the pilot institutions.

This accreditation is for our whole institution approach, working jointly with Worcester Students’ Union, to social responsibility and sustainability. 

We have been reaccredited four times, every two years, each time increasing our scores. Our next review will take place in the July 2026.

Other awards


Students Organising for Sustainability United Kingdom Fairtrade University Award

The University of Worcester has been accredited with Fairtrade status since 2008 and is reaccredited until June 2025. You can view our latest Fairtrade University Award Certificate. We are delighted to have signed up with the Fairtrade Foundation and SOS-UK to their new programme to give our campus activities renewed vigour. We are proud to have been awarded 2 Stars in our 2021-23 audit.

Get in touch

Katy Boom
Director of Sustainability
Email: k.boom@worc.ac.uk