This is a full-time course. Teaching is via blended learning and will be delivered through attendance at Iron Mill College (70%) and via online teaching (30%).
You will be taught through a combination of formal lectures, creative activities, experiential exercises, group processes, presentations, skills practice, large and small group activities, and reflective practice.
OPT (Online and Phone Therapies) competencies will be taught via online synchronous learning. There is a strong emphasis on applying theory to practice within all modules. You will also have the opportunity to develop skills as well as graduate attributes through the Work Based Learning modules and clinical placement.
In addition, meetings with Personal Academic Tutors (PATs) are scheduled on at least four occasions in the first year and three occasions in each of the other years of a course.
The University places emphasis on enabling you to develop the independent learning capabilities that will equip you for lifelong learning and future employment, as well as academic achievement. A mixture of independent study, teaching and academic support from Student Services and Library Services, as well as the Personal Academic Tutoring system enables you to reflect on progress and build up a profile of skills, achievements and experiences that will help you to flourish and be successful. This includes preparing you regarding employability for counselling in online and telephone contexts as well as face-to-face.