The teaching strategy is eclectic enabling you to gain the necessary underpinning theoretical knowledge and research that will allow active exploration, reflection and critical evaluation of own perceptions and knowledge. This approach develops your ability to be an autonomous and self-directed learner with the confidence to manage your own learning.
Action learning involves the use of ‘real-life’ problems and scenarios; these are integrated into the workshops and other face-to-face sessions. Guest speaker input, visits to sports organisations and an international field visit add depth and ‘real’ world insights to enable the contextual understanding and critical perspectives presented throughout the programme.
You will gain knowledge and understanding which will allow change to be processed in an informed way, and similarly, understanding will be further informed by that change. This process of learning can be replicated in the workplace to help and enable transference of learning and is self-developmental and reflective in nature.
In addition, meetings with personal academic tutors (PATs) are scheduled on at least 2 occasions. The MSc Sport (International Sport Management) programme supports student PAT sessions with a personal academic journal which you receive within induction week and can access supportive and helpful resources throughout the year.