You are taught through a combination of structured lecturers, clinical simulation, Camtasia with supporting seminars, case based learning, directed and independent study, group and individual tutorials, with the additional support of e-learning strategies using the virtual learning environment. There will be input from other agencies, service users and professionals as appropriate.
A particular feature of the programme is the opportunities for clinical skills and simulated learning including role play, 'hands on' practical skills sessions using a range of simulation manikins. Formative feedback on performance is provided to facilitate safe and effective support for essential skills development, in state-of-the-art simulation suites, replicating hospital and community practice learning environments.
Practice learning experiences are in primary and secondary care environments, including GP practices, hospitals, hospices, community hospitals and other out-patient and community settings. In the pre-clinical phase of the course you will undertake one-day-a-week placements in primary care, A&E and out-patient departments from January to August. These are based predominantly in Worcestershire and Herefordshire, but may include Gloucestershire.
In the second year you must complete 1,600 hours of clinical placements, working 37.5 hour weeks and returning to the University every four weeks for an academic in-day on a Friday. You will be assigned to an acute hospital Trust as a base, with community and primary care placements in the vicinity. However, some travel may still be involved. Base Trusts are currently in Worcestershire, Herefordshire, Gloucestershire, and Coventry and Warwickshire.
These clinical placements, where possible, will follow the clinical specialty hours set out by the RCP Faculty of Physician Associates. Where clinical specialties hours cannot be completed, hours can be made up in other clinical areas to meet the overall hours required. This aligns with FPA guidelines.
In addition, meetings with personal academic tutors are scheduled on at least 4 occasions in the first year and three occasions in each of the other years of a course. Whilst on placement you will be visited in placement by a member of the teaching team and discuss your placements off-site with personal academic tutors.