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We welcome applications to undertake research towards MPhil and PhD degrees in a range of areas of Education.

Research in Education at Worcester has grown significantly in the last 10 years as the University itself has expanded. As a research student you will join a vibrant student community in our Research School and become part of our dynamic and engaged research student body in Education. 



School of Education

The School of Education has a strong mix of academics with a high degree of professional and personal experience, enabling you to get the most out of your programme. Our staff have expertise in, amongst other things, learning and teaching in different contexts; values education; professional learning and professional development; history of education; religious education; and special and inclusive education.

Entry requirements

Entry requirements

Entry qualifications

For MPhil

  • First or Upper Second Class Honours Degree or an approved equivalent award


  • Research or professional experience which has resulted in appropriate evidence of achievement

For PhD

  • Postgraduate Masters Degree in a discipline which is appropriate to the proposed programme of study


  • First or Upper Second Class Honours Degree or equivalent award in an appropriate discipline


  • Research or professional experience at postgraduate level which has resulted in published work, written reports or other appropriate evidence of achievement

International applicants

International applicants will be required to demonstrate that they have the appropriate level of written and spoken English.

For MPhil/PhD this is an IELTS score of 6.5 with a minimum score of 6.0 in every component.

Programme structure

Programme structure

PhD year by year

After receiving your application, we try to establish if we have the necessary expertise to supervise your project and we begin to form a supervisory team for you. This will normally consist of a Director of Studies (DoS), who will be your lead supervisor, and at least one other supervisor, who will offer you additional support and guidance throughout your studies. If, following a successful interview, you are offered a place as a full-time student, your programme of study will look something like this:

First year

You will have submitted a draft research outline with your application. In your first year, you will be working towards submitting a more complete research proposal. You will be aided in your research by meeting with your supervisory team to discuss your progress. You will also be supported through your first year by engaging with a series of three modules as part of our Researcher Development Programme:

  • RSDP4001: Developing as a Researcher
  • RSDP4005: Approaches to Research
  • RSDP4004: Planning Your Research Project

At the end of each year, beginning with your first year, you will reflect on and formally review your progress with your supervisory team and MPhil/PhD Course Leader. We call this annual meeting an Annual Progress Review (APR).

Second year

In your second year, you will be collecting data and working on your research project under the supervision of your supervisors through regular meetings. You may at this point have research papers ready to publish and you may wish to attend conferences to present your research to other experts in your field. You will be able to apply to our Research Student Support Scheme for some funding for this purpose. Students normally undergo Transfer from MPhil to PhD towards the end of their second year. This will be part of your Annual Progress Review for this year.

Third and fourth year

In your third and fourth year, you will be writing up your thesis and preparing for your viva voce examination. This is an oral exam with two examiners and a chair. You can also request that your supervisor be present at the exam. The exam will take place after you have submitted your final thesis. After the exam, it is not unusual for the examiners to ask that some amendments be made to your thesis before the final award is confirmed and you will have additional time to do this. It is possible to complete the course in three years, but we have found that the majority of students do take four years to complete the course. At the end of each year of your registration, you will go through an Annual Progress Review.


Access to the University of Worcester’s virtual resources and its state of the art library facilities.

Programme specification

For comprehensive details on the aims and intended learning outcomes of the course, and the means by which these are achieved through learning, teaching and assessment, please download the latest programme specification document for the MPhil or PhD.

Part time students follow the same structure as full-time students but normally complete the PhD over a period of five to six years. Part-time students take two modules in each of their first two years, and will normally Transfer to PhD in their fourth year.

Research areas

Research areas


Dr Sean Bracken 
Expertise: leadership of learning and teaching; inclusivity in higher, secondary and primary education; linguistic and cultural diversity.

Rachael Paige
Expertise: teacher presence and teacher identity, leadership in educational contexts particularly relational leadership, developing positive school communities, positive behaviour approaches in primary schools, collaborative approaches including communities of practice.

Dr Madeleine Findon
Expertise: educational leadership, early childhood care and education, creativity in education, inclusion, mentoring, resilience, internationalisation.

Dr Ellie Hill
Expertise: student experience, values, mental health in university students, religious education, generational theory, Gen Z, the scholarship of teaching and learning, reflexivity in research, narrative research, narrative analysis.

Dr Angela Hodgkins
Expertise: early years/ early childhood care and education, empathy and compassion, emotional labour, practitioner/ teacher self-care/ mental health and wellbeing in school.

Professor Alison Kington
Expertise: educational identities of teachers and pupils, teacher careers and retention, teacher/collective self-efficacy, classroom behaviours and interaction, teacher-pupil relationships, peer relationships in the classroom/friendships, and children's socio-cognitive development

Methodological expertise includes: mixed and merged methods, repertory grid techniques, critical event (and other) narrative approaches, observational techniques

Dr Ben Looker
Disciplinary expertise: pupil alienation, teacher-pupil relationships, teacher identities, peer relationships, teacher efficacy, teacher expectations and the expectation effect, critical incidents.

Methodological expertise: grounded theory, mixed methods, critical realism, integration of quantitative and qualitative data.

Dr Rebecca Mace
AIEd; technological determinism; philosophy of education.

Dr Rhys Pritchard
Expertise: Primary Physical Education, Pedagogy, leadership, physical activity, action research, reflective practice, Learning theory, Rosenshine’s Principles of Instruction.

Dr Alison Prowle
Expertise: Trauma- aware practice; childhood adversity: child poverty: parenting and family support; kinship care; forced migration and human trafficking; participative methodologies; visual methods

Dr Carla Solvason 
Expertise: concepts of educational justice and exploring policy in practice; educational cultures and re/creating cultures; social justice; educational opportunity; philosophy of education; children’s language development.

Dr Marie Stephenson 
Expertise: leadership, theory & practice; ethical leadership & ethical decision-making; qualitative research; pedagogic innovation; and educational leadership.

Dr Alexander Sewell
Expertise: applied practice-based research investigating inclusive educational practice (all developmental/educational levels). Qualitative research exploring the lived/living experience of mental health. Research of any methodology seeking to further interest in and understanding of neurodiversity/neurodivergence. Practice-based research exploring supporting the education of parents for pre-conception, birth, and the critical first 1000 days of life.

Dr Elizabeth Russell
Expertise: lives and identities in education; teachers and schooling; higher education; social justice; religious education; oral history; interpretivist research.

Dr Mandy Duncan
Expertise: sociological perspectives of childhood, global perspectives of childhood, children’s rights, children’s participation in child protection interventions, early childhood, social research methods.

Dr Emma Laurence
Expertise: Educational leadership; adaptive leadership; leadership networks; emotions and identity in leadership; social pedagogy; social capital; early childhood; case study research; social constructivist research.

Dr Tracy Wallis
Expertise: teacher training and teacher development, teacher identities, professional development through networking, leadership, social research methods, higher education, and interpretivist research. Affiliated to social pedagogy research group.

Dr Daniel Whittaker
Expertise: Pupil-teacher relationships and classroom management; Education policy and its impact on equity (especially racial equity); Geographies of educational policy and equity; Methodological expertise: Critical Race Theory, Critical Policy Analysis, Critical Discourse Analysis; mixed-methods secondary data analysis.

Affiliated to the Social Psychology of Education research group.



All students engage with our Researcher Development Programme (RDP). The RDP aims to develop and enhance the skills, both generic and specific, that you will need to complete your research degree but also to become an effective researcher. The RDP is organised around thematic clusters, consisting of modules, and workshops, delivered face-to-face by subject specialists from across the University and the dedicated Researcher Development Team, or online through our virtual learning environment.

As part of the RDP, you will complete a Postgraduate Certificate in Research Methods (PG Cert). All students must complete the PG Cert in order to progress on their MPhil/PhD Programme. The PG Cert is strongly focused on developing your programme of research, starting from establishing your development needs, and preparing you for the planning and subsequent delivery of your programme of research.

Full-time students will complete the PG Cert in 12 months and part-time students in 24 months.

Ben Looker

Ben Looker

Dr Ben Looker spent six years looking at challenging behaviour and how it manifested itself, developing a theory to resolve it, to complete his Doctor of Education (EdD). Having ensured these learnings are in the curriculum to benefit the University’s Education students, Dr Looker, a Principal Lecturer in Secondary Science Education at the University, has now graduated.

“It’s a bit of a relief, but also it feels good to have done something I’ve wanted to do for a long time,” he said. “I’m proud of the theory. Hopefully as teachers graduate and take this learning into Worcester schools we’ll get an increasingly greater depth of knowledge about teacher-pupil relationships, so potentially it’s quite wide reaching.”

Dr Looker taught at schools in the Birmingham area for 11 years, first as a science teacher and then an Assistant Headteacher at The Kingswinford Academy for three years. During that time, he provided mentorship for a number of the University’s students, which led him to take up a position as a lecturer alongside his EdD research. “I was always interested in children who presented with bad behaviour, but behaved really well for some teachers,” he said. “I wanted to look at these children who were essentially alienated from their learning in some lessons - what made the relationship with teachers positive or negative.”


Fees and funding


The current fees can be found within the tuition fees document on our figure out finances page.


Finding the right accommodation is paramount to your university experience. Our halls of residence are home to friendly student communities, making them great places to live and study.

We have over 1,000 rooms across our range of student halls. With rooms to suit every budget and need, from our 'Traditional Halls' at £131 per week to 'Ensuite Premium Halls' at £228 per week (2025/26 prices).

For full details visit our accommodation page.

How to apply

How to apply

Additional information

Please see guidance on Applying for an MPhil or Applying for a PhD to include application and interview deadlines.

If your research involves working with vulnerable adults and/or children then you may be required to obtain an Enhanced DBS check. There will be a small charge for this. For more information please contact

We are committed to making reasonable adjustment. If you require an alternative format for making your application due to a disability, please contact us to discuss your needs on 01905 542182 or

How to apply

Please make your application via our online application form. If you have any questions, please contact the Doctoral School on 01905 542182 or

Application links


MPhil - September - Full time MPhil - September - Part time


PhD - September - Full time PhD - September - Part time

Get in touch

Dr Seán Bracken

Course leader