Dr Sean Bracken
Expertise: leadership of learning and teaching; inclusivity in higher, secondary and primary education; linguistic and cultural diversity.
Rachael Paige
Expertise: teacher presence and teacher identity, leadership in educational contexts particularly relational leadership, developing positive school communities, positive behaviour approaches in primary schools, collaborative approaches including communities of practice.
Dr Madeleine Findon
Expertise: educational leadership, early childhood care and education, creativity in education, inclusion, mentoring, resilience, internationalisation.
Dr Ellie Hill
Expertise: student experience, values, mental health in university students, religious education, generational theory, Gen Z, the scholarship of teaching and learning, reflexivity in research, narrative research, narrative analysis.
Dr Angela Hodgkins
Expertise: early years/ early childhood care and education, empathy and compassion, emotional labour, practitioner/ teacher self-care/ mental health and wellbeing in school.
Professor Alison Kington
Expertise: educational identities of teachers and pupils, teacher careers and retention, teacher/collective self-efficacy, classroom behaviours and interaction, teacher-pupil relationships, peer relationships in the classroom/friendships, and children's socio-cognitive development
Methodological expertise includes: mixed and merged methods, repertory grid techniques, critical event (and other) narrative approaches, observational techniques
Dr Ben Looker
Disciplinary expertise: pupil alienation, teacher-pupil relationships, teacher identities, peer relationships, teacher efficacy, teacher expectations and the expectation effect, critical incidents.
Methodological expertise: grounded theory, mixed methods, critical realism, integration of quantitative and qualitative data.
Dr Rebecca Mace
AIEd; technological determinism; philosophy of education.
Dr Rhys Pritchard
Expertise: Primary Physical Education, Pedagogy, leadership, physical activity, action research, reflective practice, Learning theory, Rosenshine’s Principles of Instruction.
Dr Alison Prowle
Expertise: Trauma- aware practice; childhood adversity: child poverty: parenting and family support; kinship care; forced migration and human trafficking; participative methodologies; visual methods
Dr Carla Solvason
Expertise: concepts of educational justice and exploring policy in practice; educational cultures and re/creating cultures; social justice; educational opportunity; philosophy of education; children’s language development.
Dr Marie Stephenson
Expertise: leadership, theory & practice; ethical leadership & ethical decision-making; qualitative research; pedagogic innovation; and educational leadership.
Dr Alexander Sewell
Expertise: applied practice-based research investigating inclusive educational practice (all developmental/educational levels). Qualitative research exploring the lived/living experience of mental health. Research of any methodology seeking to further interest in and understanding of neurodiversity/neurodivergence. Practice-based research exploring supporting the education of parents for pre-conception, birth, and the critical first 1000 days of life.
Dr Elizabeth Russell
Expertise: lives and identities in education; teachers and schooling; higher education; social justice; religious education; oral history; interpretivist research.
Dr Mandy Duncan
Expertise: sociological perspectives of childhood, global perspectives of childhood, children’s rights, children’s participation in child protection interventions, early childhood, social research methods.
Dr Emma Laurence
Expertise: Educational leadership; adaptive leadership; leadership networks; emotions and identity in leadership; social pedagogy; social capital; early childhood; case study research; social constructivist research.
Dr Tracy Wallis
Expertise: teacher training and teacher development, teacher identities, professional development through networking, leadership, social research methods, higher education, and interpretivist research. Affiliated to social pedagogy research group.
Dr Daniel Whittaker
Expertise: Pupil-teacher relationships and classroom management; Education policy and its impact on equity (especially racial equity); Geographies of educational policy and equity; Methodological expertise: Critical Race Theory, Critical Policy Analysis, Critical Discourse Analysis; mixed-methods secondary data analysis.
Affiliated to the Social Psychology of Education research group.