Q & A
Question: Does any part of the exhibition take place face-to-face?
Answer: No, the entire exhibition and the keynote event will take place online using Blackboard Open. To attend all you need to do is register via emailing QofA2021@worc.ac.uk (details will be provided once registration opens).
Question: Who can submit a paper to the exhibition?
Answer: We are an academic exhibition, which will be open to a wide audience, and presenters will be from academia, politics, working for NGOs or in practice.
Question: Is this event just about British politics?
Answer: No, this is an international event that welcomes the exploration of questions of accountability from a global perspective.
Question: Is this event designed for any specific discipline or academic field?
Answer: No, this is an interdisciplinary exhibition and contributions are welcome from across the social sciences, law, arts and humanities.
Question: Who can attend the exhibition?
Answer: The exhibition is open to anyone (you do not need to be an academic) and all you need to do is follow the registration instructions.
Question: How much does it cost to attend or to present?
Answer: Nothing, there is no fee at all for either delegates or presenters.
Question: I would like to present at the exhibition but unsure whether I would be able to put together a video or audio presentation, would it be sufficient to just submit the fully referenced paper?
Answer: We would strongly encourage every presenter to create a short video or audio presentation to accompany their fully referenced paper. However, we are happy to just accept the fully referenced paper.
Question: Who will be presenting at the exhibition?
Answer: A full programme will be made available on this website closer to the exhibition taking place and a delegate pack will be emailed to all delegates beforehand.
Question: Will there be a follow-up event in the future?
Answer: We are looking at having future events and would be interested to hear from anyone wishing to collaborate with a follow-up event.
Question: Who is organising the exhibition?
Answer: The exhibition is a collaboration between Professor Matt Flinders (University of Sheffield) and Chris Monaghan (University of Worcester), which is being hosted by the University of Worcester.
Question: I am unable to watch the live keynote event- will it be recorded?
Answer: Yes, it will be recorded and available to watch online for four weeks after the exhibition closes.