Group publications and presentations
Malomo, Michelle
and Pittaway, Sarah
(2021) ‘So, you want me to read for my degree?’: A Universal Design for Learning approach to reading. Insights: The UKSG Journal, 34 (1). p. 19. ISSN 2048-7754
Malomo, Michelle
and Pittaway, Sarah
(2019) So, You Want me to Read for my Degree? Considering a Universal Design for Learning Approach to Reading Through the Use of Audiobooks and Accessibility Tools. JISC Accessible Organisations: Supporting learning providers in creating inclusive teaching and learning experiences.
Conferences and workshops
Pittaway, Sarah
and Malomo, Michelle
(2021) Creating communities of practice: learning from a UDL project to engage students with academic reading. In: Inclusion by design seminar, 15/01/2021, Online (University of Worcester). (Unpublished)
Malomo, Michelle
and Pittaway, Sarah
(2020) Breaking down attitudinal barriers in the fortress of academia: learning from a UDL project to engage students with academic reading. In: UDL conference, 7-8 October 2020, Online (hosted by Kristianstad University). (Unpublished)
Pittaway, Sarah
and Malomo, Michelle
(2020) “So, you want me to read for my degree?”: a Universal Design for Learning approach to reading. In: UKSG webinar (in lieu of UKSG conference), 17 June 2020, Online. (Unpublished)
Malomo, Michelle
and Pittaway, Sarah
(2020) So you want me to read for my Degree ? - a Universal Design for Learning approach to reading. In: Talis Insight Webinars 2020 (Europe), 29/04/20, Online. (Unpublished)
Pittaway, Sarah
and Malomo, Michelle (2019) Audiobooks, Accessibility Tools and Universal Design for Learning: Breaking Down Barriers. In: UKSG 42nd Annual Conference and Exhibition, 8th - 10th April 2019, Telford. (Unpublished)
Pittaway, Sarah
and Malomo, Michelle (2019) Audiobooks, Accessibility Tools and Universal Design for Learning: Breaking Down Barriers (Poster). In: UKSG 42nd Annual Conference and Exhibition, 8th - 10th April 2019, Telford. (Unpublished)
Dr Sarah Pittaway
Pittaway, S. (2019) ‘From information literacy to the learner journey: aligning academics and librarians through pedagogic research’,New Review of Academic Librarianship, 25(2-4), pp. 150-170. DOI: 10.1080/13614533.2019.1589542
Pittaway, S. (2019) ‘Staff-student partnerships, power and opportunities: reflections from the Change Agent Network Conference 2018’, Journal of Educational Innovation, Partnership and Change, 5(1), pp. 9-10
Pittaway, S. (2018) ‘Not just “the help": Library Services as professional colleagues’, ALISS Quarterly, 13(3), pp. 13-16
Pittaway, S. and Worsfold, L. (2017) ‘The Hive at Five: from design to delivery’, ALISS Quarterly, 13(1), pp. 8-10
Pittaway, S. (2016) ‘Engaging students, shaping services: the changing face of student engagement at The Hive’, Insights, 29(3), pp. 249-257. DOI: 10.1629/uksg.315
Pittaway, S. (2016) ‘Students as partners in recruitment’, SCONUL Focus, 65, pp. 40-43
Downes, J. and Pittaway, S. (2015/16) ‘Making the vision a reality: the university-public library partnership at The Hive’, Taking Stock, 24(2), pp. 8-9
Dr Peter Gossman
Gossman, P., Powell, S. & Neame, C. (2017). Content, context and meta(cognition) SEDA Spring Teaching Learning and Assessment Conference 2017 The quest for teaching excellence and learning gain: issues, resolutions and possibilities, 11-12 May 2017, Manchester, UK.
Neame, C. & Gossman, P. (2015). Two birds with one stone: promoting staff and student development through scholarly engagement with the evaluation of new practice. Inaugural European Conference on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 8-9 May 2015, Cork, Ireland.
Horder, S. & Gossman, P. (2014). Epistemological Journeys: Discussion of an ‘ideal’ to promote inspiring teaching. Future Directions Conference, 2-3 April 2014. Aberystwyth, UK. (Discussion)
Horder, S. & Gossman, P. (2013). Embedding research into the curriculum. Higher Education Academy Social Science Conference, 23-24 May 2013, Liverpool, UK.
Hamilton, P., Gossman, P. & Southern, K. (2013). Reflecting on research in practice: developing innovative support structures for students undertaking small-scale research projects in work settings. Higher Education Academy Social Science Conference, 23-24 May 2013, Liverpool, UK. (A poster – which won second prize in the competition) "
Anastasia Kennett
Sewell, A., Kennett, A and South, H. (2020) ‘Applying Solution Focused Approaches as a participatory method to amplify student voice in a Higher Education context’, Student Engagement in Higher Education Journal. 3(1), pp. 74-95
Sewell, A., Kennett, A., Williams, R. and South, H. (2020) ‘A phenomenological exploration of the lived experiences of Mature Students with mental health problems studying for an Undergraduate Higher Education degree.’ Submitted to: Educational Review
Sewell, A., Pugh, V. and Kennett, A. (2020) ‘Exploring the potential for Universal Design for Learning to be used by educational psychologists to promote inclusion.’ Submitted to: Educational Psychology in Practice.
Sewell, A., Kennett, A., South H. (2019) ‘Promoting student voice through application of a solution-focused approach; outcomes and discussions.’ Paper presented at the Teaching and Learning Conference, University of Worcester.
Dr Laura Scurlock-Evans
Muse, K., Scurlock-Evans, L & Scott, H. (in press). “The most important question is not ‘how?’ but ‘why?’”: A multi-method exploration of a blended e-learning approach for teaching statistics within Undergraduate psychology. Psychology Teaching Review, Special Issue 27.1.
Scurlock-Evans, L., Carmine, F., Conn, L., McKenzie, L., Loxton, B., Haigney, D. & Scott, H. (2018). Qualitative methods and sight-impairment: developing a toolkit for inclusive teaching. In: Division of Academics, Researchers and Teachers in Psychology Inaugural Conference, 6th-7th June 2018, Birmingham City University. (Unpublished)
Mauro-Bracken, L. (2019) Cultivating Culture Change for Inclusive Practice: Creating a Community of Learners. Poster Presentation AHEAD Conference Dublin
Taylor, S. (2017) Inclusion and the arts. In: Woolley, R. (ed) Understanding Inclusion: Core Concepts, policy, practice. London, Routledge
Victoria Pugh
Pugh, V. and Hughes, D. eds., 2021. Teaching Personal, Social, Health and Economic and Relationships,(sex) and Health Education in Primary Schools: Enhancing the Whole Curriculum. Bloomsbury Publishing
De Martin Silva, Luciana. and Francis, John (2020) ""It Is Like A Little Journey”: Deaf International Futsal Players’ and Coaches' Experiences in Collaborative Blended Learning. International Sport Coaching Journal, Ahead of Print, 1-14. DOI: 10.1123/iscj.2019-0101. (Accepted: 23 May 2020; Published Online: 26th August 2020; Deposited: 29th June 2020)
Loo, Joanna Kyra., Francis, John and Bateman, Michael (2020) Athletes’ and Coaches’ Perspectives of Performance Analysis in Women’s Sports in Singapore. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 20(6), 960-981. DOI: 10.1080/24748668.2020.1820174 (Accepted: 3rd September 2020; Published Online: 9th September 2020; Deposited: 8th September 2020)
Francis, John (2019) Engaging Masters Students Through Blackboard Collaborate. In: 'TEL' Me More Showcase, 07/03/2019, University of Worcester, UK. (Accepted: 7th March 2019; Date Deposited: 7th March 2019)
De Martin Silva, L. and Francis, John (2018) Deaf International Futsal Players’ Learning Experiences in Preparation for a Major Competition: a Longitudinal Study. In: UK Coaching Applied Coaching Research Conference 2019: Shaping the Future of Coaching, 19th February 2019, Derby County Football Club, Derby, UK. (Accepted: 5th November 2018; Date Deposited: 30th November 2018)
Francis, John and Jones, Gareth (2014) Elite Rugby Union Players Perceptions of Performance Analysis. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 14 (1). pp. 188-207. DOI: 10.1080/24748668.2014.11868714. (Accepted: 25th February 2014; Published Online: 3rd April 2017; Deposited: 17th August 2015)
Inclusive Curriculum for Health Professionals - Ongoing
Sewell, A., Kennett, A., Williams, R., & South, H. (2022). A phenomenological exploration of the lived experiences of mature students with mental ill health studying for an Undergraduate Higher Education degree. Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
Sewell, A. (2022). ‘A lone voice in the wind’: the importance of listening to the testimonies of women during pregnancy, birth, and beyond. International Journal of Birth and Parent Education, 10 (3).
Sewell, A., Kennett, A., and Pugh, V. (2022). Universal Design for Learning as a theory of inclusive practice by educational psychologists. Educational Psychology in Practice, 39, 1-12.
Sewell, A. (2022). Understanding and supporting learners with specific learning difficulties from a neurodiversity perspective: A narrative synthesis. British Journal of Special Education, 49, 1-22.
Sewell, A. and Park, J. (2021) A three-factor model of educational practice considerations for teaching neurodiverse learners from a strengths-based perspective. Support for Learning, 36 (4).
Sewell, A. (2020) In search of a personal pedagogy: A Self-Study narrative on the use of Inquiry-Based Learning by an early career lecturer. Journal of Perspectives in Applied Academic Practice, 8 (1), 85-93.
Sewell, A., Kennett, A and South, H. (2020) Applying Solution Focused Approaches as a participatory method to amplify student voice in a Higher Education context. Student Engagement in Higher Education Journal, 3 (1), 74-95.
Sewell, A. (2020) Utilising personal construct psychology and the repertory grid interview method to meaningfully represent the voice of the child in their social relationships. Pastoral Care in Education, 38 (2), 1-23.
Sewell, A. (2019) An adaption of the Good Behaviour Game to promote social skill development at the whole class level. Educational Psychology in Practice, 36(1), 93-109.
Sewell, A. and Hulusi, H. (2016). Preventing radicalisation in children and young people. What does the literature tell us and should educational psychology respond? Educational Psychology in Practice, 32 (4), 343 – 354
Sewell A. (2016). A theoretical application of epistemological oppression to the psychological assessment of special educational needs; concerns and practical implications for anti-oppressive practice. Educational Psychology in Practice, 32 (1), 1 – 12
Sewell A. and Ducksbury l. (2013). Exploring educational psychologist’s perceptions of the use and implications of standardised cognitive assessment and IQ. Educational and Child Psychology, I 96 – 104