Creative outputs
This page provides a record of all creative outputs relating to TAnDem and will be updated over time.
Cathy Greenblat, photographer and academic, carried out a short residency with TAnDem in July 2017. Cathy, who is well known for her photography of people living with dementia, produced a series of images of arts, activity and creativity, a sample of which are shown below and with this website. Please note, all photographs are copyright Cathy Greenblat and are NOT available for public use.
What is it about? Graphic narrative
Karen Gray worked with artist Emma Lazenby of ForMed Films on a collaborative project that conveys visually some of the findings of her PhD research to an audience of artists and arts organisations. The resulting graphic narrative is based on interviews with 26 artists, evaluators, managers, funders and commissioners of arts-based activities for people living with dementia. They used film-making processes and timelines to select and structure the verbatim words of interviewees, inspire a storyboard, and create a narrative graphic together with a poster.

Karen and Emma presented the project at a seminar in Bristol in July 2019. A pdf of the presentation is available to download .
All images are copyright Karen Gray and ForMed Films and are not for public use.
Blue Skies Singing Group
Blue Skies singing group was formed as part of Becky Dowson's PhD research study. Around 25 people with dementia and memory problems, and their families and supporters were recruited from the local community to take part in 10 weekly singing sessions. When the study ended, there was a strong impetus from the group members to keep the group running, and the sessions are still continuing nearly a year after the end of the study. Blue Skies sang at the third TAnDem conference in Nottingham in September 2018 and two group members spoke about their experience of being part of the group.