TAnDem management team


As well as the governance processes at both Universities, TAnDem had a management team that brought together supervisors from Worcester and Nottingham alongside student representation, and representation from the perspectives of arts practice and the lived experience of being affected by dementia. This meeting had an independent chair and met twice a year.


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Professor John Keady

Professor John Keady was Chair of the TAnDem management committee. John is a registered mental health nurse and completed his part-time PhD in 1999 using a grounded theory methodology. Prior to this, he practised for several years as a community psychiatric nurse in dementia care, a position he held in North Wales. Since 2006 John has worked at the University of Manchester where he holds a joint position between the University and the Greater Manchester West Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust. John currently leads the inter-disciplinary Dementia and Ageing Research Team at the School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work. John is a Senior Fellow at the NIHR School for Social Care Research.

Steve Boffy

Steve is a freelance Arts Consultant, Project Manager and Practitioner with 30 years of experience in the professional arts sector. During this time he has worked in many roles including Curator, visual artist / Photographer and manager of various arts organisations. He also has extensive experience of working in the public sector and has held several positions in local authorities, including ten years as Arts Officer for Worcestershire County Council.

A key theme throughout Steve’s career has been Arts and Participation, which remains close to his heart and still features strongly in his work. Over the past three decades he has instigated and worked on many community arts projects across the UK and overseas. These have ranged in scale from large community festivals to small bespoke initiatives for individuals, working with people of all ages and backgrounds and in many different art-forms.

In 2006 Steve left his local authority role to set up his current practice. Since then he has undertaken a wide range of contracts and projects, from policy and strategy development to community events. Over the past ten years he has also become increasingly involved in the field of Arts and Health and has successfully delivered a number of projects for the NHS. These include management of arts programmes for a new build hospital, a photographic commission and a specialist Dementia ward.

Since 2007, Steve has worked at The University of Worcester as Consultant Arts Advisor. During this time, he has led a number of Arts and Health initiatives, including establishment of the Worcestershire Arts and Health Partnership (New Prescriptions) which he chaired for five years.

Peter Riley

Peter Riley now retired from paid employment is a full time carer for his wife, Myra, and the Alzheimer’s Society Research Volunteer Network Coordinator for the East Midlands. He is a Monitor for the Society on the TAnDem Doctoral Training Centre. A Chartered Engineer (BSc, ACGI, FIET) and an Academic Lawyer (LLB, MPhil) Peter was a lecturer on the Environmental Law Masters Degree programme at the De Montfort Law School responsible for the module ‘Nuclear Energy’. He has lectured on nuclear courses at Birmingham and Manchester Universities and the International School of Nuclear Law at the University of Montpelier. He has presented papers at the International Nuclear Law Association Congress on eight occasions. In his engineering capacity he was responsible as project manager on contracts with EECo, GEC and Alstom in the nuclear field from Sizewell A in 1963 to Sizewell B in 1994 including the responsibility for the construction of the Westinghouse/GEC/George Wimpy project for the 600 MW PWR Kori Unit 1 in the Republic of Korea.

Gina Dutton

Gina Dutton was the Head of the Association for Dementia Studies providing operational management expertise and support to the busy research and education centre within the University of Worcester. She was an experienced NHS and university manager with experience of supporting researchers to conduct research in health and social care settings. She was a member of the Trial Management Group for a molecularly stratified, multi-site randomised complex trial programme for patients with colorectal cancer.