These pages provide direct access to generic materials for trainees, tutors and schools for all post graduate secondary programmes including PGCE core and Regional Training Hubs.

PGCE Core and Regional Training Hubs

Key Mentor Documentation


Professional Mentors    

Subject Mentor

Trainee assessment

ITaP Resources

Assignment Information

Tier 1 Mentor Training   

Who: All mentors hosting a trainee from 2024/25

What: Effective mentoring, instructional coaching and giving effective feedback

How: Face-to-face (sessions start in June 2024) or online course

When: Wednesday 11 September, Tuesday 19 November, Wednesday 15 January, Monday 24 February and Wednesday 30 April (9am-4pm)

How to book: Placement Portal            

Tier 2 New Mentor Training

Who: All mentors hosting a trainee from 2024/25

What: New to Worcester mentor training - The Worcester Way, the trainee curriculum, phase and specific subject coaching, mentoring on mentoring

How: Face-to-face or online course

When: Friday 27 September, Wednesday 23 October, Friday 10 January and Wednesday 12 February

How to book: Placement Portal

Tier 3 School Priority Briefings

It is vital that all active professional mentors and subject mentors attend one of our school briefing meetings. To facilitate this we host six repeat sessions on-line over a two-week period in September/early October, January/February and March/April annually. Please note that school briefings include a subject update. Professional mentors can attend any briefing on any day. Subject mentors must attend on a day when their subject is listed.

Briefing dates - September and October 2024

Date Time Subject update

Tuesday 24 September


PMs, maths, English, science, computer science

Wednesday 25 September


PMs, art & design, D&T, MFL and psychology

Thursday 26 September


PMs, geography, history, RE, business and PE

Monday 30 September


PMs, art & design, D&T, MFL and psychology

Tuesday 1 October


PMs, geography, history, RE and business

Thursday 3 October


PMs, maths, English, science, computer science and PE 

Briefing dates - January and February 2025

DateTimeSubject update

Monday 20 January 


PMs, maths, English, science, computer science and PE 

Tuesday 21 January 


PMs, art & design, D&T, MFL and psychology

Wednesday 22 January 


PMs, geography, history, RE and business

Monday 27 January  


PMs, art & design, D&T, MFL, psychology and PE

Tuesday 28 January


PMs, geography, history, RE and business

Thursday 30 January


  PMs, maths, English, science and computer science

Briefing dates - March and April 2025

 Date Time Subject update

 Monday 24 March


PMs, maths, English, science, computer science and PE

 Tuesday 25 March


PMs, art & design, D&T, MFL and psychology

 Thursday 27 March


PMs, geography, history, RE and business

 Monday 31 March


PMs, art & design, D&T, MFL, psychology and PE

 Tuesday 01 April


PMs, geography, history, RE and business

 Wednesday 02 April


PMs, maths, English, science and computer science

Two-minute Mentor Training Spotlights 

- Lesson Observation Mentor Spotlight

- In the Moment Mentoring Spotlight 

- Subject Knowledge and Pedagogy

- Pivotal Questions